The tourism sector meets at the 40th anniversary of the CETT Alimara Barcelona Awards

The awards recognize creativity, innovation and excellence in the tourism, gastronomy and hospitality sector and the gala will be held on Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 pm at the Hotel Alimara.
The CETT Alimara Barcelona Awards
The CETT Alimara Barcelona Awards, organized by CETT together with B-Travel and with the collaboration of UN Tourism and the Department of Linguistic Policy of the Generalitat de Catalunya, celebrate their 40th anniversary. These awards recognize products, services, strategies and initiatives that stand out for their innovation in areas such as communication, digitalization, sustainability and research in the tourism, hotel and gastronomic sectors.
The Alimara Night has established itself as a benchmark meeting point for the sector and brings together companies, institutions and professionals. Throughout its 40-year history, the CETT Alimara Barcelona Awards have rewarded 535 projects from 316 different entities. Among the Alimara winners are hotel companies such as NH Hotels, Barceló or H10 and institutions such as Futbol Club Barcelona or the National Geographic Society.
40th edition
On this occasion, more than 83 applications were received from which 26 finalist projects were selected:
Through Experiences
- Orient Express Legacy Revival, by ACCOR Global Reservation Centre
- Espai Moja, by Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural
- Experiència Espai Xocolata Simón Coll, by CHOCOLATES SIMÓN COLL
- Som Molt de Lloret, by Lloret Turisme
- Birding Ebre Pirineus, by Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona - Terres de l'Ebre and Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Lleida
- Queer Destinations, by Queer destinations
- El Earth Lab en Six Senses Ibiza, by Six Senses Ibiza
Through Sustainability
- Eines per realitzar esdeveniments sostenibles, by Catalunya Convention Bureau - Agència Catalana de Turisme
- San Andrés de Teixido, by Eu Fun de Vivo
- Guiatges de Muntanya Inclusius, by Guies d'Arrel
- Umániko, by Ilunion Hotels
- Rutes gastronòmiques sostenibles d’Extremadura, by Junta de Extremadura and la Dirección General de Turismo
- Projecte de transformació sostenible, by Terraza Group
- TRAM Barcelona Open, by TRAM Barcelona Open - Fundación Cruyff
Through Digitalization
- Projecte europeu BEFuture, by Agència Catalana de Turisme - Catalunya Convention Bureau
- SMARTCAMP, by Associació de Càmpings de Girona
- AI Agents para el sector Travel, by
- AI Trainer, by HBX Group
- BRICKLY, by Hotelier Services
- MyChefTool, by MyChefTool
- KITT, el teu agent virtual amb IA, by The Hotels Network
Through Research
- El càmping: Història dels càmpings a Catalunya, by Associació de Càmpings de Girona
- Cátedra Internacional de Inteligencia Turística de la Región de Murcia CIITUR, by Instituto de Turismo de la Región de Murcia —ITREM— and Universidad Católica de Murcia —UCAM
- Desarrollo de los ejes de los destinos turísticos inteligentes en los hoteles de la Comunidad Valenciana, by Universitat d’Alacant
- Ús de les ressenyes en línia per a la intel·ligència turística i l'establiment d'estàndards d'avaluació transparents i fiables (TourRev), by Universitat de Lleida i Universitat de Murcia
See all the information about the finalist nominations.