About us
CETT, the value of experiences.
CETT is an international higher education institution focused on training, research, and knowledge transfer in tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy, affiliated with the University of Barcelona (UB) and authorized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
With more than 22,000 individuals trained over our 50+ years of history, we offer education at all levels with official recognition (undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, master’s programs, and vocational training), online and blended learning, and continuous and customized training for professionals and companies.
We have created our own ecosystem that allows us to contribute, year after year, to the professionalization and excellence of the sector through a model based on rigor, innovation, experience, and a responsible vision.
Integrated Vocational Training Center
In 2024, CETT was awarded the identification as an Integrated Vocational Training Center, granted by the Public Agency for Vocational Training and Professional Qualifications of Catalonia.
This distinction recognizes the excellence of vocational training centers and consolidates our commitment to the professionalization of the sector and the employability of our students, highlighting CETT’s training offerings, methodology, facilities, innovation, and close connection with the sector. All of these are key elements in obtaining this recognition.
Our History
Founded by Gaspar Espuña in 1969, CETT was established with a clear commitment to innovation, aiming to advance alongside the sector in the professionalization of one of the country’s main economic drivers, tourism. Over the years, it has become a reference center in high-demand sectors with added value: tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy.
The international vision, sustainability, and service-oriented mission — towards students, the people involved in the project, the sector, and society — define the past, present, and future of the center.
The Ministry of Information and Tourism grants CETT the title of a legally recognized non-official Center for Tourism Studies.
The first course of TET (Tourism Business Technician) is offered.
Avanzando hacia la excelencia turística.
The first course of TEAT (Technician in Tourism Businesses and Activities) is offered.
Viajes Century is founded.
First edition of the Alimara Awards.
Official recognition of tourism and hospitality studies, and expansion of facilities.
Affiliation with the Official School of Tourism of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Creation of the CETT School of Hospitality at the Hotel Plaza.
Creation of the CETT Alumni Association.
Opening of the Alimara Hotel.
Inauguration of the new CETT facilities in Vall d'Hebron.
Approval of the Bachelor's degree programs and affiliation with the University of Barcelona.
Authorization to officially offer vocational training courses in hospitality and tourism, and the granting of official vocational qualification by the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Tourism Honor Plaque of Catalonia awarded to CETT.
The first steps of the CETT Foundation and gastronomy at CETT.
Creation of the Gaspar Espuña-CETT Foundation and the attainment of the Environmental Quality Guarantee Distinction for the Alimara Hotel.
First School-University-Industry Meeting at CETT.
ISO 9001 certification for EUHT CETT and ISO 14001 and EMAS environmental management certification for the Alimara Hotel.
1st Research Awards in Tourism for High School.
The Generalitat of Catalonia grants the Cross of Sant Jordi to Mr. Gaspar Espuña.
1rs Premios Trabajo de Investigación en Turismo de Bachillerato.
La Generalitat de Cataluña concede la Cruz de Sant Jordi al Sr. Gaspar Espuña.
Opening of Àgora BCN, international student residence.
Approval of the Official Master's Degrees in Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy CETT-UB.
Creation of the CETT-UB Business Council.
Start of the Bachelor's degree in Tourism, creation of the first CSR report, and publication of the ARA, Journal of Tourism Research.
A more sustainable CETT that consolidates its university training offerings and the creation of the CETT Campus.
Constitution of the CSR Committee and creation of BAS (Barcelona Academic Services).
Renovation of the Alimara Hotel.
Creation of the UB-Bullipedia CETT Space, CETT eLearning, and expansion of the facilities.
Launch of the Interuniversity Bachelor's Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences (UB-UPC).
The Department of Business and Employment and the Directorate General of Tourism award Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, CEO of the CETT Group, the Gold Medal of Tourism 2014 in the category of Knowledge Improvement
Creation of the CETT-UB Chair in Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy.
CETT's Catering Services receive the AMED accreditation.
Agreement between CETT and the University of Barcelona to promote the training of PhD students in tourism.
Second expansion of the CETT Campus facilities and the birth of the Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona CETT.
New expansion of the CETT-UB Campus for Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy, with 1,600 m2 of new space and over 2,000 m2 remodeled.
Approval of the CETT Campus Strategic Plan 2017-2022.
Recognition by AGAUR of the Tourism, Culture, and Territory Research Group, and the Tourism Accommodations and Restaurant Research Group as Emerging Research Groups recognized by the Generalitat.
Celebration of the II Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona CETT.
Celebration of CETT's 50th anniversary and the presentation of the new brand.
Commitment to digitalization and recognition of educational excellence.
The Alimara Hotel celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Approval of the Bachelor's Degree in Digital Business and Innovation in Tourism.
CETT achieves recognition of four stars in the prestigious QS Stars audit and receives the FPCAT award for excellence in Vocational Education and Training.
CETT becomes the first private center for hospitality and tourism to obtain the recognition as an Integrated Vocational Training Center.

CETT Foundation
The CETT Foundation was created in 2000 to guarantee and promote the philosophy that has always characterized CETT.
It is a private foundation, inherent to CETT, open, creative, and the driving force behind the center’s activities. It has a strong commitment to social responsibility, ensuring it extends to the group of CETT companies, in which it participates, and to the various actions they undertake.
Having completed nearly 50 years as a training, consulting, and research center in the tourism and hospitality sectors, it has grown alongside the development of tourism in our country.
Since its inception, the foundation has received the unconditional support of industry professionals and institutions, establishing a way of doing things that forms the basis of its philosophy. This philosophy is centered on training good professionals in both attitudes and skills; responding to the needs of the sector and the academic community, and, ultimately, serving the country. Three core principles underpin its actions: identity, reinvestment of all profits into CETT, and support for students in need through scholarships.
Aware of both its educational and social commitment, the Foundation’s Board of Trustees is responsible for maintaining, consolidating, and even expanding the founding principles and action lines, adapting them to current times, and contributing to the development of individuals, society, and the country.
Governing bodies
Management team
- Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, President
- Elisabet Ferrer Fernández, General Director
- Carme Cassà i Baus, Director of Marketing and External Relations
- Mercè Colom Oliva, Director of CETT eLearning
- Javier de Diego Rodríguez, Director of CETT Corporate
- Nan Ferreres Montoliu, Director of the School, Professional Technical and University Studies in Gastronomy
- Ana Ortega Vilches, Director of Administration and Finance
- Dr. David Peguero Manzanares, Director of Corporate Development
- Dr. José Antonio Pérez-Aranda Canela, Director of the University School
- Eva Viciano Juana, Director of the Alimara Hotel and Àgora Residence
- Andreu Vilaginés Molleví, Head of STIC
Board of trustees of the CETT Foundation
- Narcís Coll i Ferrer, President
- Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, Treasurer
- Miquel Alsius i Juriol
- Cristina Cabañas Rodríguez
- Anna Albuixech Vila, President of CETT Alumni
- Albert Domingo Melgosa
- Pere Duran i Vall-Llosera
- Marcel Forns Bernhardt
- Joan Gaspart Solves
- Jaume Marimón Closa
- Anna Ros Gutiérrez
Governing board of the CETT-UB University School
Bosch i Gimpera Foundation
- Dr. Joan Guardia Olmos, Rector of the UB, as President of the FBG
- Dr. Carme Verdaguer Montanyà, Director of the FBG
University of Barcelona
- Dr. M. Pilar Delgado Hito, UB Representative
- Dr. Mònica Baró Llambias, UB Delegate at CETT Foundation
- Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, CEO and President of CETT, and Treasurer of CETT Foundation
- Jaume Marimon Closa, Trustee of CETT Foundation
- Miquel Alsius i Juriol, Trustee of CETT Foundation and University School Foundation (EU) CETT-UB
- Dr. José Antonio Pérez-Aranda, Director of EU CETT-UB Studies in Hospitality and Tourism CETT, SA
- Narcís Coll i Ferrer, Secretary of the CETT Board of Directors and President of CETT Foundation
Gaspart Bonet Foundation
- Joan Gaspart Solves, President of the FGB