Legal advice
General information
According to the Spanish Law 34/ 2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (hereinafter, the LSSICE) users are informed (hereinafter the USER) that this website is accessed through the domains or (hereinafter, the WEB). The information and details on the service provider are as follows:
Estudis d'Hoteleria i Turisme CETT, S.A.
Avda. Can Marcet 36-38, 08035 Barcelona
CIF: A08311342
Tel: 93 428 07 77
[email protected]
Terms and conditions
The contents, commercial activities and services in general, provided through the WEB are subject to the terms and conditions set out in this ”Legal notice” (hereinafter, the NOTICE), and in compliance with the current Spanish legislation, particularly with the above mentioned LSSIC and the RGPD EU 2016/679
On accessing the website the USER fully accepts the terms and conditions stipulated in this NOTICE.
Any person images appearing in the WEB are used by CETT in compliance with image rights. These images are strictly used to create files and videos in order to inform about the activities carried out by CETT and under no circumstance shall they be used for other purposes or distributed to a third party without the corresponding authorisation.
Privacy policy and data protection
The provision of any personal data through the various WEB forms implies explicitly the acceptance and agreement on the processing of such data in the above specified terms and for the above described purposes.
In compliance with the EU GDPR 2016/679 (EU Regulation 2016/679) of the European Parliament and Council on the 27 of April 2016, concerning the protection of people in regards to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of this data and the rules and regulations in force in the protection of the personal data, we inform you that:
- The purpose of the collection and the processing of the personal data that we are given will be the provision of the requested services.
- The data given to us will be located in the CETT Group files, located in the European Union, ensuring CETT Group adequate levels of security.
The possibility to exercise the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, omission, limitation of processing, portability and to not be the subject to automated individualized decisions, by written request, addressed to the fiscal domicile of CETT Group located at:
Estudis d'Hoteleria i Turisme CETT, S.A.
Avda. Can Marcet 36-38, 08035 Barcelona
CIF: A08311342
Tel: 93 428 07 77
[email protected] - For this purpose, the interested party must send a written message indicating the petition or exercised right, together with a copy of his/her National identification number, passport or a legally valid document to certify his/her identity, in order to unequivocally identify the party in question.
Intellectual property rights
The USER acknowledges and accepts that all the intellectual property rights over the contents and / or any other features on the website including but not limited to trademarks, logos, tradenames, texts, images, graphics, designs, sound, databases, belong to CETT.
The use of the WEB does not entitle the USER to alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or communicate publicly any of its contents.
The USER agrees that the use of the WEB, its contents and / or services takes place under their sole and exclusive responsibility and that CETT does not guarantee the availability and continuity of operation of the website, or the contents and / or services offered.
Cookies policy
CETT informs that cookies are used when surfing the webpages of its corporate portal. Cookies are small text files downloaded on your device by the websites that you visit. They are essential tools used to offer specific services provided by the information society. Cookies enable a website to retrieve information about users’ surfing habits, or about the actions carried out from a specific device and, based on this information, they allow to recognize the user and improve the service provided.
Types of cookies: There are two types of cookies depending on the entity managing the domain from which cookies are sent and on the processing of the data obtained: own and third-party cookies. They can also be classified as session cookies and persistent cookies depending on the length of time they exist in the user’s browser. Finally, cookies can be grouped into five groups taking into account the purpose of the data collection: technical, personalisation, analytics, advertising and behavioural advertising. More information related to this matter is available on “Guía sobre el uso de las cookies de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos”.
The web analytics allows to know the number of users accessing the WEB, the number of websites visited, the frequency, repetition and duration of the visits, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language, the terminal used or the city where the IP address has been assigned to the USER.
This information enables the WEB to provide an improved service.
Acceptance of cookies policy
CETT understands that any visitor to the WEB accepts the use of cookies.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The content of this legal notice shall be governed in accordance to the Spanish Legislation. However, if the regulation enables both parties to waive their own jurisdiction and submit to another, both CETT and the USER expressly renounce to any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to and agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.