


The internships are a formative activity carried out by the students and supervised by the Career Services department. Internships can be carried out in national and international companies and institutions.

The main objectives of practical training are:

  • Complete the theoretical training with a practical experience.
  • Be close with the reality of the tourism sector.
  • Delve into knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional competencies.
  • Obtain necessary strategies for future professionalization.
  • Develop the capacity for reflection and observation.


  • How to spread opportunities

    The company can disclose its internship offers through the specialized CETT portal.

    Access here: Disclosure of Internship Opportunities

  • Economic aspects

    Students of the University School (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master, CEU, DEU)

    The study aid that companies/institutions will provide to university students during internships will be a minimum of €4/h for Degree students and a minimum of €6/h for Master's students.

    The company will have to register the student with Social Security as established by RD1493/2011, before the start date.


    Vocational Training Students

    According to the regulations of the FCT, part of the Generalitat de Catalunya, students do not have to receive any economic amount from the company or entity as remuneration for carrying out the FCT.

  • Procedure

    • The company announces the offer
    • The student and Career Services search for internships and contact the company.
    • The student and the company meet
    • Career Services prepares the internship agreement
    • The company, the student and Career Services sign the internship agreement
    • The student and the company do the internship, supervised by Career Services.
    • The student and the company deliver the final evaluation documents.
    • Career Services publishes the final grade
  • Requirements

    Students of the University School (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master, CEU, DEU)

    For the students:

    • Be enrolled in a CETT academic program
    • Not have any employment relationship with the company or institution where the internship is carried out, except in duly justified cases, assessed and approved by the person in charge of Career Services. However, if authorized, they will have to be carried out at a time that does not coincide with work.

    For the companies:

    • Individual and multi-person companies, national and international public and private institutions and entities can formalize internship agreements.
    • Provide the current fiscal data of the company. Have the figure of a tutor with the knowledge to train the student correctly and issue a final report.
    • Contribute with a minimum of €4/h of economic aid to the undergraduate student and with a minimum of €6/h to the Master's student who wants to receive an internship


    Vocational Training Students

    For the students:

    • Be enrolled in a CETT academic program
    • Not have any employment relationship with the company or institution where the internship is carried out, except in duly justified cases, assessed and approved by the person in charge of Career Services. However, if authorized, they will have to be carried out at a time that does not coincide with work.

    For the companies:

    • Internships do not have to interfere with the class schedule.
    • For students who have already finished their studies and only have to complete their internships, intensive hours can be done, up to 8h/day, 5 days a week, with a maximum of 40h per week.
    • There are no practices during the month of August.
  • Duration and Period

    Students of the University School (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master, CEU, DEU)

    • Curricular: The minimum duration of the internships is established at a rate of 25 hours/credit depending on each one of the subjects, and the maximum duration can be up to 900 hours.
    • Extracurricular: No minimum is established. The maximum duration can be up to 900 hours.

    Regarding the maximum duration and the internship period allowed:

    Group All students studying official programs Students of own master's and postgraduate course
    Maximum hours 900 hours per academic year 900 hours per studies
    Internship period You must have current registration for the academic year in which you want to do the internship and the file open at the time the experience begins. You can do internships until 09/30 During all the academic year, until the 30th of September

    Vocational Training Students

    • The duration of the internship is the one established by the curricular design: CFGM 400 hours-700 hours and CFGS 350 hours.
    • Planning of the FCT: the practices will be carried out according to the annual planning of each course.
    • The standard schedule is 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, with a maximum of 20 hours a week.
    • Internships do not have to interfere with the class schedule.
    • For students who have already finished their studies and only have to complete their internships, intensive hours can be done, up to 8h/day, 5 days a week, with a maximum of 40h per week.
    • There are no practices during the month of August.

    The duration of the practices is distributed in:

    Middle Vocational Training
    Cooking-Gastronomy and Catering Services Study Program: 400 hours between April and June. Cooking-Gastronomy and Pastry Study Program: 400 hours between April and June.
    Superior Vocational Training
    Kitchen Management Study Program: 350 hours between April and June. Catering Management Study Program: 350 hours between April and June.
    Tourist Accommodation Study Program: 350 hours between October and December (maximum 4 hours) | 350 hours between April and June (maximum 4 hours). Travel Agencies and Events Study Program: 350 hours between October and December (maximum 4 hours) | 350 hours between April and June (maximum 4 hours).


  • Training program

    Companies have to previously define a training program that indicates at least:

    • The tasks that the student will carry out, the practical knowledge, and ensure that they are related to the studies program.
    • The skills the student will acquire by doing these practices.
  • Formalization of an internship agreement

    Once the students that are interested and who best fit the proposal have been identified, and the content of the training program, period, schedule and financial aid has been agreed, it is time to formalize the internship agreement.

    In order to speed up the procedure, it is necessary to fill out the Application for the Internship Agreement:

    • To formalize a Vocational Training agreement, access here.
    • To formalize a University School agreement (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master, CEU, DEU), access here.
  • Evaluation

    Students of the University School (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master, CEU, DEU)

    • The person in charge of the company will assign a person responsible for the accompaniment, training, monitoring, assessment and correction of the students, who will be their company tutor.
    • At the end of the curricular internship, the students have to carry out the final project and the tutor of the company will have to assess the student with a final report.

    Vocational Training Students

    • The person in charge of the company will assign a person responsible for the accompaniment, training, monitoring and evaluation and correction of the students, who will be their company tutor.
    • Specifically, the tasks that the tutor has to carry out are:
      • Follow-up of the practice notebook in the qBID.
      • Assessment of the activities carried out.