Tourism Exploration Lab

Tourism Exploration Hub

Tourism Exploration Lab

What is CETT's Tourism R&D&I Lab?

The Tourism Exploration Lab is CETT's experimental space where we shape the future of tourism. A laboratory that promotes research, development, and experimentation with new technologies, services, and practices aimed at transforming the tourism sector.

A vibrant environment where cutting-edge research, prototype development, practical experimentation, and experiential learning come together to create innovative solutions.

We explore the latest trends and technologies in the tourism sector, designing innovative responses to meet the evolving needs of travelers. We develop functional prototypes of new tourism products and services, testing our ideas in real-world settings and gathering valuable data and feedback from a diverse sample of people.

¿Te gustaría conocer cómo lo hacemos? ¡Sigue leyendo!

Líderes y equipo

El equipo del Tourism Exploration Lab está formado por una mezcla única de perfiles académicos, cada uno con diferentes enfoques y especialidades dentro del sector turístico. El equipo directivo está encabezado por la Dra. Ainhoa Carballido-Risco y el Dr. Daniel Imbert-Bouchard, ambos profesores e investigadores en el CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy. 

Ainoha Carballido-Risco - Profesora, Investigadora y Directora del Máster en Dirección de Empresas Turísticas.

Ainoha Carballido-Risco

Profesora, Investigadora y Directora del Máster en Dirección de Empresas Turísticas

PhD in Tourism from the University of Málaga, she has combined her academic training with extensive experience in tourism marketing and Smart Tourism. She is an expert in technologies applied to tourism, with a solid background in research and teaching. She is currently a professor in the field of Tourism Technologies and the Director of the Master's in Tourism Business Management at CETT-UB. Her research focuses on the impact of artificial intelligence on the tourism industry and its influence on people, as a member of the TURCiT research group.

As the Director of the CETT Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona, she leads one of the most influential events on the interaction between technology and tourism. Additionally, she drives R&D projects from CETT Living Labs, with a focus on sustainability and the digital transformation of the sector.


Daniel Imbert-Bouchard

Director of the Tourism, Culture, and Territory Research Group (TURCiT).

Daniel Imbert-Bouchard Ribera holds a PhD in Geography, a degree in Tourism, and a Master's in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management from the University of Barcelona. He currently coordinates the Master's in Innovation of Tourism Management for Smart and Sustainable Destinations at CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, where he also works as a professor, editor of the ARA: Journal of Tourism Research, and serves as the director of the Tourism, Culture, and Territory Research Group (TURCiT). His main area of expertise is the mobility and territorial planning of destinations from a sustainability perspective.

Based on these lines of work, he has published several articles in international journals, books, and book chapters, and has also participated in various competitive and knowledge transfer projects.

¿Qué ofrecemos?

A través de la colaboración con entidades públicas, empresas líderes del sector, expertos e investigadores, el Tourism Exploration Lab fomenta la experimentación, el desarrollo y la prueba de procesos de innovación en áreas clave como:

Tecnologies disruptives en turisme

Explorem les últimes tendències tecnològiques per transformar l'experiència turística.


Impulsem el turisme responsable i sostenible, cercant solucions que minimitzin l'impacte ambiental i cultural mentre maximitzem els beneficis econòmics per a la indústria.

Desenvolupament de noves experiències turístiques

Creem experiències úniques adaptades a les necessitats, desitjos i expectatives dels diferents perfils de viatgers.

Anàlisi de tendències en el mercat

Estudiem les destinacions turístiques i el comportament dels viatgers per desenvolupar estratègies que permetin a les empreses adaptar-se als canvis.

Spaces for Innovation and Development

The Tourism Exploration Lab, together with the other laboratories at the CETT Innovation Hub, offers a series of spaces designed to foster collaboration and creativity in R&D&I processes:

Collaborative Spaces

Areas where multidisciplinary teams come together to co-create and develop new solutions.

Technological Development and Data Analysis Areas

Spaces equipped with the most advanced tools for creating prototypes and analyzing tourism data.

Innovation and Creativity Zones

Spaces dedicated to generating ideas through design techniques and brainstorming sessions.

Exhibition and Demonstration Areas (Physical and Digital)

Spaces to showcase and test the innovations developed at the Tourism Exploration Lab.


At CETT's Tourism Exploration Lab, innovation is not just a concept—it’s a reality! Our team of passionate researchers and professionals works to develop innovative solutions that transform the traveler experience and make tourism a more sustainable, responsible, and competitive sector.

Some of our previous projects include:

Targeting and Action Plan for the Barcelona Enotourism Brand

We designed a strategy to position Barcelona as a leader in enotourism, attracting tourists interested in wine culture.

“Saborea España” Gastronomic Tourism Map

We developed a gastronomic map to promote Spain’s rich culinary offerings and make it easier to find authentic gastronomic experiences.

Creative Industries Project

We explored how creative industries can boost tourism development by creating unique experiences that go beyond the conventional.

We are currently working on new projects shaping the future of tourism, such as:

Measuring the influence of AI on traveler purchasing decisions.

  • The tourism metaverse: an accessible and inclusive alternative.
  • Using AI for the collection and analysis of tourism data.
  • Designing and developing sustainable tourism experiences.
  • Indicator systems for Smart Destinations.
  • Sustainable mobility: systems for responsible transport and mobility.

Would you like to be part of this project?

At the Tourism Exploration Lab, we believe innovation is essential for a better tourism future. Through our projects, we aim to inspire the industry to adopt new technologies and strategies to enhance the traveler experience and build a more sustainable, responsible, and competitive sector.

Do you want to join us? 
Get in touch with the Tourism Exploration Lab team, visit our laboratory, and discover how you can collaborate.