El turismo rural en Cataluña supera los niveles de ocupación prepandemia

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El turismo rural en Cataluña supera los niveles de ocupación prepandemia

El turismo rural en Cataluña supera los niveles de ocupación prepandemia

El turismo rural de Calalunya registró una ocupación media del 24% en estos primeros tres meses del año con puntas de ocupación superiores al 75%. Ésta es una de las cifras que se han destacado en la presentación de los datos de Cataluña del Observatorio de Turismo Rural 2021 que ha tenido lugar este jueves en el Aula Plaça del CETT con presencia de varios actores del sector.


The categories in competition are:

  • Through Experiences: for products, services, or marketing and communication actions of organizations that appeal to the sensibility and generate an inspiring, emotional, or motivational experience in the public or user.
  • Through Digitalization: for specific strategies or actions, as well as new business models, that value the commitment of organizations in the application of digital-related technologies to increase their competitiveness and efficiency, to improve the added value provided to customers and their users' experience.
  • Through Sustainability: for strategies or tangible actions that demonstrate an organization's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The World Tourism Organization will jointly award this award, which participates in the final jury.
  • Through Research: for applied research carried out both within the academic and business spheres, for those studies or tangible actions that help to respond to the challenges faced by the sector.

Off contest, there are the following categories:

  • CAT: the award, co-organized with the Generalitat de Catalunya (Direcció General de Política Lingüística and Direcció General de Turisme), focuses on clear communication expressed in Catalan, where the correctness of the language and its good use is valued.
  • CETT students: among all the entries submitted, CETT students award a prize to the one that obtains the majority of their votes.
  • Mass media: an award is given to a media that has made an outstanding contribution to promoting tourism, hospitality, or gastronomy during the year 2020 or early 2021. Special CETT: this award is given to people or organizations that deserve a special distinction thanks to their contribution and dedication to the sector.
  • Els 3 Pioners by CETT Foundation: CETT Foundation presents its 3 Pioneers award. The award, created jointly by Jordi Comas Matamala's Foundation, CETT Foundation, and Climent Guitart's Foundation, acknowledges those people or institutions at the vanguard that contributed to developing and improving tourism in Catalonia. Each foundation will present each an Els 3 Pioners award.

Jury and awards ceremony

The jury of the CETT Alimara Awards comprises representatives of organizations from the tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy sectors and teaching and research experts from CETT-UB Research Groups.

The jury will award three prizes for each category in the competition. It may also declare a category void if it considers that the candidates do not meet the requirements to be awarded prizes.

The awards ceremony will be held at the Hotel Alimara in Barcelona at La Nit dels Alimara on May 12, 2022.