Information about Covid-19 for CETT students

Dear Students,
Following the guidelines from the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia today, March 12, 2020, CETT announces the cessation of all face-to-face classroom teaching activity from tomorrow Friday, March 13, until further notice.
In accordance with our commitment to education and training and thanks to our experience in online methodologies, we can guarantee the delivery of the various programs (vocational B-tech studies, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, postgraduate courses, study abroad programs…). Therefore, from March 13, the following measures will be applied:
• Access to CETT will be restricted to faculty and service staff, and the services of the Forum, the Restaurant Classroom, the Resource Center and the computer rooms has been cancelled.
• Teaching will continue online. Connect to each subject through the Virtual Campus, where you will find the instructions provided by your professors.
• Company internships have been temporarily cancelled for all students. Those students involved will receive additional information from Career Services.
Stay tuned to the Virtual Campus, through which we will inform you of any news promptly. We also remind you that you must follow the guidelines, recommendations and protocols established by the Health Department regarding virus prevention. They can be found at
Thank you all for your cooperation in this exceptional situation.