Tourism, business, and training, the central themes of the opening ceremony of the new CETT academic course 2020-2021

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The CETT-UB officially opened the 2020-2021 academic year in an inaugural conference at the Hotel Alimara Barcelona. Due to the health crisis, the event could be followed via streaming, and the attendance to the event was reduced to maintain safety measures.

The event, chaired by Miquel Alsius, president of CETT, included a speech by Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, CETT's CEO, who emphasized that 'tourism must be an active part of the post-COVID-19 solutions. Tourism has a future.' Dr. Abellanet asserted that 'to face coming challenges and opportunities, the hospitality, tourism, and gastronomy sectors have to prioritize training, applied research and innovation' and urged the authorities present at the event to 'work together to push forward the sector and training.'

'We are preparing you for the jobs of the future so that you can also lead the way in this industry'
Maria Abellanet
With the presence of student's representatives and the entire CETT community that followed the event online, CETT's CEO affirmed: 'CETT has taken on the challenge of training you, with an ethical perspective, providing you with the necessary skills to work in an exciting and ever-changing industry' and added, 'we are preparing you for the jobs of the future so that you can also lead the way in this industry.'

'I encourage students to strive, to make excellence your compass, to develop a critical spirit in life, to gaze the world with an open mind, to be demanding, innovative, creative, consistent, flexible, and to have initiative'
Octavi Bono  

Octavi Bono, director-general of Tourism at the Generalitat de Catalunya and CETT alumni, gave the inaugural lecture to replace Ramon Tremosa, Minister of Business and Knowledge, who could not attend. In his speech, Bono reviewed the challenges of the sector and encouraged the students to be optimistic and think that the tourism sector will recover. He also encouraged students 'to strive, to make excellence your compass, to develop a critical spirit in life, to gaze the world with an open mind, to be demanding, innovative, creative, consistent, flexible, and to have initiative.'

'CETT is an exemplary center, a pioneer in its specializations; an institution that has worked very well to achieve the highest quality in its teaching programs' 
Mònica Baró 

Dr. Mònica Baró, delegate of the Chancellor of the University of Barcelona, said that 'CETT is an exemplary center, a pioneer in its specializations; an institution that has worked very well to achieve the highest quality in its teaching programs.' Baró emphasized that CETT 'has done everything it can to promote research, an element that shapes and gives meaning to a higher education center beyond teaching.' She also stated that 'a center like CETT is something to be proud of.'

Dr. Baró acknowledged the adaptation and efforts made by CETT because of the health crisis. She also said: 'the school has addressed the problems derived from the new situation in an exemplary manner. It has prepared an outstanding safety plan and has ensured that all its students have a teaching program that allows them to complete this course acquiring all the intended skills'.

'Not only we learn at school but also by experience, which is why business training is so important"
Núria Pi

Núria Pi, technical director of the Catalan Institute of Professional Qualifications placed value on the importance of the connection between CETT and the world of business, noting that 'not only we learn at school but also by experience, which is why business training is so important. It is by learning day by day where the reality of the profession can be lived and loved'.

With this event, CETT-UB welcomed the new academic year on its 50th anniversary and in a context that will undoubtedly present challenges, but also opportunities, to the sector and its future professionals.