Research at CETT-UB: more than 150 activities during the academic year 2019-2020

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Cultural tourism, tourism sustainability, efficiency, and productivity in tourist accommodations and restaurants, and gastronomic innovation have been the main research lines.

During the academic year 2019-2020, CETT-UB carried out more than 150 research-related activities in its areas of expertise: tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy. Cultural tourism, tourism sustainability, efficiency and productivity in tourist accommodation and restaurants, and gastronomic innovation are the main themes that guided research activity through its three Research Groups: TURCiT (Research Group on Tourism, Culture, and Territory), GRATiR (Research Group on Tourist Accommodation and Restoration) and GRCiG (Research Group on Cuisine and Gastronomy).

Among the different research projects carried out, we can highlight the participation of CETT professors in 40 congresses, the supervision and participation in 8 competitive research projects, and the publication of 12 books, book chapters, and publications in scientific journals.

"Promoting applied research is one of CETT's pillars, and the activity carried out by the three research groups shows it"

As Eugeni Osácar, director of research at CETT, points out "promoting applied research is one of the pillars of CETT and such is evidenced by the research carried out by the three research groups, thus, providing expert knowledge and innovation to the tourism, hospitality and gastronomy sectors to sustain and improve their competitiveness."

Research, the key to the post-COVID-19 scenario

In the current context, research, and data collection in areas such as tourism or gastronomy are essential for decision making for both the public and private sectors.

In this sense, CETT experts collaborate as consultants in several committees and councils of bodies and administrations to contribute with their knowledge when making strategic decisions. As a nexus and conveyor of knowledge between the academic world and the sector, CETT is part of the Board of Directors of affiliated members of the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) the advisory body that oversees responsible, sustainable, and accessible tourism.

The activity carried out by CETT-UB throughout the last academic year, as well as the main results of the work carried out in the fields of training and applied research, can be found in the 2019-2020 Report, which this year places great emphasis on the management of COVID-19 and the 50th anniversary of the center.

Cuisine and Gastronomy