Registrations for the Pop Up Restaurant in CETT!

The students from the Culinary and Gastronomic Science inter-university degree (UB-UPC) invite
you to take part in a very special project, which they’ve been working on for the last few months,
the Pop Up Restaurant in CETT.
The project, which will take place on the 5th, 7th and 8th of March 2019 in the Campus CETT-UB,
consists of three gastronomic dinners, prepared and served by the students. The profits will entirely
go to a charitable organization which they will choose.
Below are the three pop up events that will take place. Please register to the one or ones you prefer.
Inscriptions are now open and places are limited! You have until the 22nd of February to register,
please remember that to confirm your reservation it’ll be necessary to make the payment in
We also invite you to follow them on the social media profiles they’ve created so you don’t miss
any details about everything that’s cooking in the Pop Up restaurant!
Tuesday, 5th of March | 20h to 22h
An interactive gastronomic menu comprising of 6 dishes where the customer can take part in each
one of them. These dishes will be presented as chapters of a creative gastronomic process: the
ingredients, pairings, techniques, balance, plating and message. The aim is that the customer, a
foodie and non-professional cook, learn and have fun while eating.
Location: Class B018 (be at reception room at 19:30h)
Diners: 22
Price: 45€
Bookings: Click on the link
Instagram: @trencatelcap

Thursday 7th of March | 21h to 22:45h
A gastronomic event with an air of fantasy which has Mozart’s work “The magic flute” as the main
theme. The diner can let his imagination flow while enjoying a tasting menu accompanied by
theatrical performances, scenography and music.
Location: Aula Restaurant (be at reception room at 20:30h)
Diners: 25
Price: 55€
Bookings: [email protected]
Phone number: +34 682 45 4021
Instagram: @Fantasiapopup
Twitter: @fantasiapop

Friday 8th of March | 19:30h to 23h
Tasting menu with wine pairing included.
Natura Lapsa comes from Latin and means fallen nature. It’s the status in which humans ended up
after Adam and Eve committed the original sin. This title was chosen because the name refers to
the constant tendency of humans to sin. Following this theme, the Pop Up restaurant deals with
sin, falling into temptation and letting oneself go.
Location: Aula Restaurant (be at reception room at 19:30h)
Diners: 25
Price: 42€
Bookings: [email protected]
Instagram: @natura_lapsa
Facebook: @natura lapsa

Cuisine and Gastronomy