Nueva web #CETTthroughMyHome

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At CETT we don’t stop, we are still in touch with you thanks to all the online tools that helps us be close to you and continue with our teaching.

We want to keep in touch and give you all the information you need in this new situation and that is why we have #CETTthroughMyHome. This website is your door to everything related to online learning and to be close to CETT’s community.

This lively new platform we are launching, comes in three languages and aims at gathering all the information, resources and tips that may interest students in the current circumstances. The platform is divided into different sections such as FAQs, tips for telework or CETT services contact details.

At CETT we want to know and share our students, teachers and staff experiences working and studying from home during the lockdown, with the whole of CETT community.

#CETTthroughMyHome, also on Instagram Stories

We encourage to share your Instagram Stories on studying and working in confinement to feel closer to each other:

1. Take a photo or make a video (less of 15 seconds, in vertical)

2. Post it on your personal Instagram Stories account

3. Tag CETT on  @cett_ub or #CETTthroughMyHome

4. If you are part of CETT alumni, tag us on @cettalumni

5. Feel free to add anything you like to your post: GIFs, texts, tag friends…

6. CETT & CETT Alumni will share your stories on their Instagram Stories, provided your profile is public

7. We have activated highlights in our accounts @cett_ub and @cettalumni which will collect our shared posts; don’t miss them out!

We’ll make it together. #WeAreCETT