International mobility during your stay at CETT

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Traveling and living new experiences is an added value to your learning experience. It lets you know other realities and cultures, broaden horizons and see the world from a different perspective, as well as to connect with people and realities that differ from our own and learn foreign languages, a key aspect in tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy. For this reason, CETT-UB's values include internationalization applied to the entirety of your learning process and life-changing experiences, by means of 50 collaboration agreements with other leading centers in the world, scattered over 28 countries on the European, American, Asian and Oceanic continents.

"My Erasmus experience did not finish the day I left Breda, but it will last forever thanks to the people I met"
Victor Roigé  
The learning experience that students live at CETT is a phase of growth, of learning, of transformation, and also a life-giving experience, in which training in an international environment and the experiences it provides, play a crucial role. In this spirit, on the 20th and 27th of November, CETT will celebrate Go Abroad, a conference focused on international academic and professional mobility aimed at our students.

These sessions will be online and you will be presented with options for academic mobility and internships and about the benefits of living an international experience. Furthermore, former students of CETT will tell you about the available placements and tell you about their experience abroad.

"Living an international experience is unique. Part of me will always stay in Michigan"
Mariona Gómez  

Mariona Gómez, who lived this experience in Michigan, in the United States, states that "living an international experience is unique. Part of me will always stay in Michigan". It is also the case of Victor Roigé, who was in Breda, in the Netherlands: "My Erasmus experience did not finish the day I left Breda, but it will last forever thanks to the people I met".

CETT's mobility programs are open to students enrolled for the next semester; as soon as the COVID-19 measures allow, students will begin their international experience.

CETT's commitment to internationalization also reaches out to overseas students. The culinary program carried out in collaboration with the University of Woosong (South Korea) brings students to study at CETT for an academic year. They take part in a study program that focuses on the fusion of Korean and Mediterranean cuisine, innovative cuisine techniques, and avant-garde cuisine, and it is a sign of our international vocation. Student Jun Yewon tells us about hes experience in this video. 

It is, therefore, an excellent opportunity to develop vital skills for the future, to expand the network of friends and contacts for your career, and to grow in all senses, not only academically but also personally.

20th November 2020

09.30 – 10.30 am

11.00 – 12.00 pm

11.00 – 12.00 pm

12.30 pm – 1.30 pm