El Terres CETT muestra casos de éxito de campañas de turismo audiovisual

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El Terres CETT muestra casos de éxito de campañas de turismo audiovisual

El Terres CETT muestra casos de éxito de campañas de turismo audiovisual

El Hotel Alimara ha acogido este miércoles el Terres CETT. Se trata de una propuesta enmarcada en el Terres Lab, congreso coorganizado por el CETT-UB explorar las nuevas tendencias en el uso del audiovisual para comunicar y explicar las experiencias turísticas.

The informative sessions detailed the possibilities of academic mobility, internships, joint degrees, etc., that the CETT-UB offers. The fair has put up several stands from international universities and meeting points where former and current CETT students who have lived or are living abroad have shared their experiences with those who might be interested.

Agreements with universities and international companies

The commitment to internationalization is deeply rooted in the CETT-UB, as the figures below show:

  • 80 CETT-UB students will study abroad during this academic year. This is possible thanks to the agreements that the CETT-UB has with 52 universities from 28 countries on 5 continents.
  • There is also the possibility of doing your professional internship abroad: 119 students have done so in 79 companies from 30 countries in the last five academic years.
  • In parallel, CETT is also an international student attraction pole. In the past, 368 students from 54 countries have studied with us.

This year Go Abroad Day has been presential again after last year's online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.