Announcement Grup CETT

Considering the events that have taken place in Catalonia the last few days and, especially, the last hours, from the independence of a private business group, the Group CETT desires to express:
- Our outright rejection and strong condemnation of any action that threatens the coexistence, free speech and the self-government of Catalonia and that violates the rights of all citizens as well as the basic principles of democracy.
- Our support to the Parliament of Catalonia and the Government of Catalonia as lawful representatives of the Citizenship so it can freely express the future political status desired for Catalonia.
- Our unambiguous commitment to the identity, the language and the culture that Catalonia has been able to maintain throughout its history.
- That, regardless of what may happen in the following days; from CETT we encourage that answer of Catalonia may be, as it has always been, a civic and responsible, but firm response in defense of our freedom.
September 21th 2017 Group CETT