
The Night of the Alimara, the Alimara Awards to national and international tourism promotion prize-giving ceremony, was held at the International School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT-UB. The awards, promoted by the CETT Group, in collaboration with B>Travel, The International Tourism Fair of Catalonia, have been refreshed this year for its 34th edition.
During the Night of the Alimara gathered more that 350 people from the management, business and academic sectors linked to tourism, hospitality and gastronomy, as well as CETT-UB students. 14 Alimara Prizes were awarded to 11 tourism promotion campaigns, 2 companies or institutions were recognized, out-of-competition, with the Alimara Mass Media Award and the CETT Special Alimara Award. The Alimara In Memoriam Award was bestowed to Mr. Ramón Bagó Agulló.
The ceremony, hosted by the journalist Josep Puigbó was introduced by Mr. Miquel Alsius Juriol, President of the CETT Group and by Mr. Jordi Clos Llombart, President of the B>Travel Fair.
All the award-winner campaigns and institutions have been recognized for their outstanding performance in tourism promotion during 2017 and the beginning of 2018.
Alimara Award to Innovation in Tourism Promotion
The awards handed out by Mr. Xavier Espasa, Director of the Catalan Tourist Board, Mr. Albert de Gregorio, the Assistant Manager of the Consortium of Barcelona Turisme and Mr. Pere Chías, President of the Trade of Catering Services of Barcelona, have recognized with an Alimara Award to Innovation in Tourism Promotion three campaigns:
The Palau Moja and the Association of Friends, Neighbors and Businesses of La Rambla and Plaça Catalunya have been recognized for the campaign Welcome to La Rambla, the most (un)known street in Barcelona. The jury considered the campaign, which includes three different digital platforms in one space, remarkable for the digitalization and the innovation in the promotion of a classic area of the city and for the possibilities of evolution and growth that presents.
Tuna Tour Grup Balfegó for the campaign TUNA TOUR. It has been distinguished for being an innovative experience product, a unique activity that stimulates the tourism sector and the economy of the territory and counts with a powerful technological foundation.
The Board of Tourism and Sport of the Council of Andalucía for the campaign SMART.DATA ANDALUCÍA. It has been recognized for its innovation and the wide range of digital tools available at the platform, for being the first regional Business Intelligence tool based on Big Data for the tourism and sector and, in addition, for being completely free and public.
Alimara Award to Communication in Tourism Promotion
They were handed out by Mrs. Mercè Jou Torras, Secretary-General of the Inter-University Council of Catalonia, Mr. Joan Torrella, Director of the Services of Coordination and Programming of the ESTR from the Barcelona City Council, and by Mr. Ignasi de Delàs, the Assistant Manager of the Consortium of Barcelona Turisme. The Alimara Awards to Communication in Tourism Promotion have gone to:
The Board of Tourism of the Council of Tarragona, for the campaigns New website of the Costa Daurada, Cycling Costa Daurada and Tourist Map of the Costa Daurada and Terres de l’Ebre, the jury has appreciated the new design, the evolution and the innovation on the website’s new appearance and the quality of the performance of both campaigns developed within the tourism sector.
The campaign ALL THOSE FOOD MARKET – Festival of Gastronomic Artisans and Entrepreneurs, promoted by the Association for the Promotion of Gastronomic Entrepreneurs, has been awarded for the proposal of a different format and for the 360 degrees view of the whole project that includes the communication actions and strategies.
BBVA for the campaign Gira BBVA & EL CELLER DE CAN ROCA, received the Alimara Award for its strength and for combining social involvement (youth), education (entrepreneurs) and gastronomy and for supporting young talents in gastronomy.
Alimara Award in Promotion of Responsible and SustainableTourism
The Alimara Award in Promotion of Responsible and Sustainable Tourism, have been granted by Mrs. Catiana Tur, the legal representative of ACAVE, by Mrs. Marina Falcó, the General Director of Foreign Affairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and by Mrs. Marta Serra, the Director of B>TRAVEL, to the campaigns:
ABTA better Places Programme - Building Confidence that the industry is building a sustainable future for d’ABTA, The Travel Association, to become a campaign of global strategy with a very important multidisciplinary effect that incorporates the sustainability criteria in the whole production line y tourism consumption.
Commitment to the Sustainability Biosphere, promoted by the Diputació de Barcelona, for the promotion of sustainability certification Biosphere, as a benchmark to the tourism sector, which has offered the companies and the tourism services of the province of Barcelona, the possibility to adhere to this commitment of sustainable tourism, the first step towards certification of the good practices of the area.
Viu la Posidònia del Ajuntament de la Ciutat d’Eivissa, for its innovative proposal based on raising awareness of the importance of preserving the Posidonia through active tourism. The mayor of Eivissa, Mr. Rafael Ruiz González, highlighted the importance of celebrating events such Alimara Awards in order to create synergies, share experiences and detect future trends.
The Alimara Awards CAT
The Alimara Awards CAT, that is delivered together with the Dirección General de Política Lingüística y Dirección General de Turismo de la Generalitat de Catalunya, has gone to the Catalunya en ruta campaign. #entretotsfemturisme of The judge has assessed the good linguistic quality of the winning campaign, that present the information in a clear and simple manner in four languages. And also, for the good use of the Catalan language: the clarity and structure of the descriptions: and the speech, the communicative style and the degree of formality adapted to the different channels of communication (internet, newsletters and social media). It has been granted by Mrs. Montserrat Nadal, Cap de Servei Foment de l’Ús del Català a la Generalitat de Catalunya.
CETT Students also reward
The Alimara CETT Student Awards, elected by the same students of the centre, has been awarded to “We love Christmas” campaign of Vueling Airline S.A., delivered by CETT students.
Alimara CETT Mass Media Award and CETT Special Alimara Award
The Alimara CETT Mass Media Award, proposed directly by the judge, has gone to El Foraster, the television program produced by the Televisió de Catalunya and Brutal Media. It has been awarded for its task of promoting the culture and the internal tourism of Catalonia. It has been delivered by Mr. Narcís Coll, the President of the Fundació Gaspar Espuña-CETT, and collected by the presenter of the program, Mr. Quim Masferrer, who shared his past as a Tourism student with the audience, surprising them to recognize that his studies have helped him to succeed with El Foraster.
The CETT Special Alimara Award, delivered by Dr. Maria Abellanet, the CEO of the CETT Group, has been awarded to Tarannà Viatges amb sentit, as a tribute to his career and for the 25 years the agency is celebrating this year, which has been a pioneer in the responsible and sustainable tourism field and a reference in the sector.
Alimara in Memoriam Award
In this edition, the Alimara in Memoriam Award was delivered to Mr. Ramón Bagó Agulló, the President of Grup Serhs and the Saló Internacional del Turisme. It was granted as a tribute to his participation at the Alimara Awards for many years. The award has been delivered by Mr. Jordi Clos Llombart, the President of Saló B>Travel, and by Mr. Miquel Alsius, the President of the CETT Group, to Mrs. Magda Mons Noguer, the wife of Mr. Ramon Bagó, and to Mr. Jordi Bagó Mons, their son.
As a closing of the ceremony, Mrs. M. Mercé Jou Torras, Secretary-General of the Inter-University Council of Catalonia, has reminded that “tourism identifies us as a country and it is a traction activity” and has expressed her gratitude to the attendees for their implication to “make Catalonia as a tourist power”.
Tourism and Hospitality