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Universidad de Barcelona
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With Spanish bachelor’s degree

With the studies started (file transfer)



The study of the student’s Academic Record, the favourable resolution of which allows the student to apply directly to the center to get a place allocated, entails the payment of a non-refundable tax of 55 euro. This payment has to be done through this virtual platform where you can also find the application form for the procedure. Any posible fees due in this case must be met by the student. However, those students who decide to enroll will have an equivalent discount (55 €) applied in the enrollment fee. The applicant will receive the resolution of this phase in a maximum of three weeks.


All documents must be sent to Susanna Vidal supervisor of EUHT-CETT UB Academic Secretary’s Office.

  • Application form for the study of the Academic Record.
  • Photocopy of the applicant’s identity accreditation document: DNI (Spanish students) or passport or Spain residence permit (foreign students).
  • Original copy of the Personal Academic Certificate that includes, at least, the acquired formation, the credits, the academic year and the corresponding grades.*
  • Study Plan of all the subjects the student has taken until the moment of processing the application that include the competences, associated knowledge and number of credits, hours or weeks per semester or year and sealed by the center of origin*.

(*) Students that started their Bachelor’s Degree studies at Universitat de Barcelona need not submit the documents marked with an asterisk and are only required to send their Academic Record.


The way a student can access their desired studies depends on the number of credits they get recognized.

With 30 credits ECTS regonized or more: Apply directly to the center to get the admission (trasllat d’expedient). The Secretary’s Office will contact students who, at least, get 30 credits ECTS recognized to tell them how to complete the enrollment procedure.

With less than 30 credits ECTS recognized: Students have to complete the pre-enrollment procedure for the studies they want to get admitted using the University Access Portal The term to do so will be established by the University Admissions Office.

In the pre-enrollment application students need to state their preferences sorted by priority. The codes from the EUHT CETT-UB formations are:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism (Hotel Management or Tourism Management): 11011
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism. Taught in English. (Hotel Management or Tourism Management): 11086
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences : 11113
  • Bachelor's Degree in Digital Business and Tourism Innovation: 11102
  • Double Degree in Tourism and Degree in Digital Business and Innovation in Tourism: 11112

Pre-enrollment dates:

Consult the calls for February, June and September in the Canal Universitats.

Admitted students will receive an email from the center to confirm their place allocation. The EUHT CETT-UB Secretarial Department will use the email address that students provided in the pre-enrollment form. Students need to check that this email does not get filed into the spam, social or promotions inboxes. Through this notification, students will be asked to sign up for any of the enrollment sessions that will be held so they can complete this procedure. They will also be informed about the course development as well as what documents they will have to bring to enroll.


Students who do not enroll during the established dates will LOSE THE PLACE THEY WERE ASSIGNED.

IMPORTANT: In case of being admitted through any of the available options, the student will have to pay the fee for the procedure (trasllat d’expedient) to its former center and complete the enrollment process in the center where they got a place allocated. Otherwise, the admission will be cancelled without effect.

Completed studies


Students who have an official Spanish Bachelor’s Degree Certificate and wish to start any of the degrees available at EUHT CETT-UB, will have to complete the pre-enrollment procedure for those studies using the University Access Portal so they can get a place allocated. The term to do so will be established by the University Admissions Office in its annual call. In the pre-enrollment application students need to state their preferences sorted by priority. The codes from the EUHT CETT-UB formations are:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism (Hotel Management or Tourism Management): 11011
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism. Taught in English. (Hotel Management or Tourism Management): 11086
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences : 11113
  • Bachelor's Degree in Digital Business and Tourism Innovation: 11102
  • Double Degree in Tourism and Degree in Digital Business and Innovation in Tourism: 11112

Pre-enrollment dates:

Consult the calls for February, June and September in the Canal Universitats.


Admitted students will receive an email from the center to confirm their place allocation. The EUHT CETT-UB Secretarial Department will use the email address that students provided in the pre-enrollment form. Students need to check that this email does not get filed into the spam, social or promotions inboxes. Through this notification, students will be asked to sign up for any of the enrollment sessions that will be held so they can complete this procedure. They will also be informed about the course development as well as what documents they will have to bring to enroll.


Students who do not enroll during the established dates will LOSE THE PLACE THEY WERE ASSIGNED.