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CETT-UB launches the first Official Master Course in Spain fully dedicated to the Culinary and Gastronomic Heritage

CETT-UB launches the first Official Master Course in Spain fully dedicated to the Culinary and Gastronomic Heritage
CETT and the University of Barcelona will be the first institutions in Spain to grant an official academic status to the future Masters-experts in gastronomic heritage.

This is the first and so far only official Master Course fully dedicated to the gastronomic phenomenon and will thus boost the professionalisation in related companies and institutions. At the same time it will facilitate access to Doctorate studies.

18 October, 2001, the CETT University School for Hospitality and Tourism, affiliated with the University of Barcelona, will launch the first official Master in the Management of the Culinary and Gastronomic Heritage.

It is the only official Master Course that deals with the study of gastronomy as a cultural phenomenon from a multi disciplinary point of view. It aims to provide the student with the knowledge, analysis capacity and project management abilities that make way for a specialisation in research or an engagement in innovative activities related to the gastronomic heritage.

As it is an official Master it will, for the first time, allow succesful students to continue in related Doctorate study programmes.

Nowadays society demands researchers and professionals who fully understand the gastronomic phenomenon as an area in which knowledge can be developed and that offers an opportunity for innovation and creativity. These experts will be able to interpret new developments in the field of food and nutrition, in consumption behaviour, and particularly in the related activities of leisure, tourism and territorial development.

Isabel Lugo, the coordinator of the Area for Expert Knowledge in Cuisine and Gastronomy of CETT-UB, is the director of this Master programme.

The programme is of great interest to university graduates, professionals in tourism and hospitality companies, in public and private institutions, or in cultural and communications management who wish to acquire or consolidate a profound knowledge of all material and cultural aspects in relation to the gastronomy. The participants' objective is to improve their professional skills or to develop a specialisation in this area. Their skills will thus be oriented towards the assessment, promotion and management of the culinary and gastronomic resources.

The faculty of this Master Programme consist of well-known academic specialists in anthropology, history or sociology of the food and culinary arts, experts in nutrition and dietetics, connoisseurs of products and their culinary treatment,  and professionals from the tourism and gastronomic industry, and from specialised communications and press agencies.


Module 1: Touristic Innovation

Module 2: Anthropology and Nutritional History

Module 3: Knowledge and Transformation of the culinary product

Module 4: Nutrition and dietetics

Module 5: Food ingredients and Territory: Gastronomic Tourism

Module 6: Tools for the Organisation and Management in culinary settings

Module 7: Strategic and Operational Marketing

Module 8: Commercialisation and Project Management


60 European Credits

Start: 18 October 2011

End: June 2012

Presentation of final Master project: until September 2012

Time schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 18h00 to 21h00.

Masters CETT CETT-UB gastronomia enoturismo
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