Collaboration Scholarship
Course 2023-2024
1.1. Purpose:
To facilitate access to tourism training to CETT students in any of the official degree programs (vocational, undergraduate, and master's degrees) by allowing them to collaborate in the different CETT Group departments or business units.
1.2. Recipients:
Students in CETT Vocational Training, Undergraduate Degrees or *Official Master's Degrees.
1.3. Requirements:
- Be enrolled in one of the official training programs at EHT or EUHT CETT-UB during the academic year for which the scholarship collaboration will take place and at the time the application is completed.
- Not hold any academic degree equivalent to vocational training or undergraduate degrees.
1.4. No. of Scholarships and Economic Assistance:
Starting September 15 and throughout the year, the different application periods for COLLABORATION SCHOLARSHIPS linked to the different CETT Group departments and business units will be announced.
At the time each of the scholarships is announced, the following information will be specified: Department offering the place, candidate requirements, conditions (length and schedule of collaboration), and the scholarship amount.