Vocational Training Studies
Access by degree or other academic requirements to the intermediate-level cycles:
- Title graduate in Secondary Education (ESO)
- Title of technical / auxiliary (FP-1)
- Title technician
- To have passed the first cycle of secondary education experimental (14-16)
- Have passed a professional two experimental module
- Having passed the first two years of the Unified Multipurpose Baccalaureate (BUP)
- Have passed within the teachings of applied arts and crafts, the third year of the plan in 1963 and the second year of experimental common
- Having passed other studies declared equivalent to any of the above, for academic purposes
- Having passed the training course specific access to vocational training medium
- Having passed one vocational training medium studies.
Access to the test through vocational training means:
- Evidence of access to vocational training through
- Entrance examinations for any training cycle superior
- Entrance examinations intermediate or higher level of education or sports lessons of arts and design (or have exceeded their common part)
- University entrance exams for over 25 or 45 years
- Access to university to be accredited professional experience and have 40 or more years
- Access test or more
- Test of access to experimental professional modules
Access by degree or other academic requirements for vocational training students:
- Baccalaureate
- Title technician specialist (FP 2)
- Title of technical superior
- The academic title equivalent to any of the above
- University degree or equivalent
- Certificate substitute teaching have passed the test of access for certain higher vocational training
- Having completed the second year of the baccalaureate experimental any form
- Having passed the university orientation course (COU) or pre-university course
- Having passed the training course specific access to vocational training higher
- Having passed a Vocational Training Medium of the same professional family, OPTION C
Access to the test by higher vocational training:
- Evidence of access to vocational training students wish to study
- University entrance exams for over 25 or 45 years
- Access to university to be accredited professional experience and have 40 or more years
- Access test modules corresponding to three professionals, according to Annex 8 of Resolution ENS / 310/2002 of 31 January