This hackathon aims to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to collaborate and develop cutting-edge technologies that enhance the tourism experience. By leveraging the Smart Design Thinking methodology, participants will focus on human-centered design to address real-world challenges in the tourism industry.

Design Thinking by Smart method

Step 0. Team Formation
  • Multidisciplinary and collaborative teams.
  • Definition of roles and tasks.
Step 1. Inspiration & Ideation​
  • Brainstorming sessions.
  • Use of creative tools for idea generation.
Step 2. Prototyping​
  • Building physical and/or digital models.
Step 3. Review & Adjustment​
  • Technical and market validation.
  • Prototype evaluation, feedback, and final adjustments.
Step 4. Communication
  • Pitch preparation.
  • Presentation to a panel of experts.

The first decentralized Hackathon of technology in tourism

The Tech Tourism Travel: Decentralized Hackathon will be developed based on two lines of challenges:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain

Both lines will try to address the challenges that the tourism industry is facing, through solutions proposed by the different participating teams.

This hackathon will last 24 hours and will take place between two venues, on the one hand the venue framed in the campus CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy, and on the other hand the Monday Barceloneta venue.

Take a look at the program:

When?What's going on?Track IATrack Blockchain
18,00 - 18,30h​Welcome competitors & Meet the organizer team​CETT Forum​Monday Barceloneta​
18,30 - 18,45h​Transfer to Agora University Residence​-Monday Barceloneta​
18,45 - 19,15h​Hackathon opening and program​Ágora University Residence​Monday Barceloneta​
19,15 - 20,45h​Step 0. Groups creation: meet the competitors, meet your team, and build your team​Ágora University Residence​Monday Barceloneta​
20,45 - 22,00h​Network dinner: meet all about your team members​Ágora University Residence​-
22,00 - 03,00h​Step 1. Inspiration & Ideation​Ágora University Residence​Monday Barceloneta​
03,00 - 08,00hStep 2. Prototyping​Ágora University Residence​Monday Barceloneta​
8,00 - 9,00H​Breakfast--
9,00 – 10,00h​Moving to CETT & Welcome to attendees: participants, mentors, and companies​--
10,00 - 10,20h​ "The new era and new generations of AI for travel" - Organizer Comitee and The Student Innovation Team ​Hotel Universitari Alimara​-
10,20 - 10,45h​Motivational speech - Alexander Phimister​ (AI Track) / Gian Franco Mercado (Blockchain Track)Hotel Universitari Alimara​Monday Barceloneta​
11,15 - 13,30h​Step 3. Review & Adjustments​Hotel Universitari Alimara​Monday Barceloneta​
13,30 – 14,30h​Lunch time​Hotel Universitari Alimara​-
14,30 - 15,30h​Step 4. Comunication: Presentations preparation​Hotel Universitari Alimara​Monday Barceloneta​
15,30 – 16,15h​Transfer to Monday Barceloneta venue​Bus
16,15 – 18,00h​Step 4. Comunication: Presentations​Monday Barceloneta​Monday Barceloneta​
18,00 - 18,30h​Winners and adwards​Monday Barceloneta​Monday Barceloneta​
18,30 - ...Afterwork & networking farewell​Monday Barceloneta​Monday Barceloneta​