Track 1: AI for Mitigation of Climate Emergencies in Tourism

Imagine a future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in the fight against climate emergency, transforming the tourism industry towards a sustainable model. This professional track is designed to explore how AI can be the key to mitigate the effects of climate change and build a greener tourism future.

Track content:

  • Contextualization: We will start with a presentation that will set the context, showing how AI is revolutionizing climate management in tourism.
  • Roundtable: Industry experts will discuss innovative strategies and share experiences on implementing AI for sustainability.
  • Case studies: Detailed presentations of successful projects using AI to address specific climate issues in the tourism industry.
  • AI Solutions Panel: An interactive space where participants will learn about various technological solutions and how they are currently being applied.

Track 2: Premis Emprenedors

Innovation and entrepreneurship are essential drivers of development in the tourism industry. This track is dedicated to celebrating and recognizing entrepreneurs who are making a difference with their innovative initiatives and projects.

Track content:

  • Reception and Networking: A space for attendees to meet, share experiences and establish valuable connections before the gala.
  • Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony: Recognizing the talent of high school, undergraduate, graduate and master's degree students.
  • Presentation of the XXI CETT Fundació Awards for entrepreneurial projects in the tourism, hotel and gastronomy sector: Recognition of the most outstanding entrepreneurs in various categories, celebrating their achievements and their contribution to the industry.
  • Round table: Debate between entrepreneurs, professionals and experts in the tourism industry.

Track 3: Financial Workshop “Towards Smart Tourism: Empowering Transformation”.

The transformation of tourism towards a smarter and more sustainable model requires not only technological innovation, but also sound financial strategies. This track is designed to provide participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to drive this transformation from a financial perspective.

Track content:

  • SEGITTUR contextualization: We will start with a presentation that will underline the importance of effective financial management in the evolution towards smart tourism.
  • ** Workshop and examples:** Presentations of real cases where innovative financial strategies have enabled the successful implementation of smart tourism projects. Participants will learn about financing, investment and risk management models specific to the tourism sector.