Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona Structure

November 21 - Enterpreneurs Day

The Entrepreneurs Day will be held on November 21, and its aim is giving the opportunity to those projects that have a unique idea to be known contribute to the transformation of the tourism sector from the application of ICT.

November 22 - Academic Day

The Academic Day will be a forum for researchers and students to share and discuss relevant and cutting-edge issues on Smart Tourism context. This way, views on the different congress’ topics will be exchanged by international renowned keynote speakers and attendant researchers. At the same time, authors of the presented papers will communicate and explain their last researches.

November 23 - Professional Day

The Professional Day is a unique forum intended to gather together academics and relevant actors of the tourism industry. The main aim is to transfer knowledge between academia and industry through a smart conception of the sector and considering the present and future challenges and the needs of tourism industry. The professional day is sponsored by Diputació de Barcelona.