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Termination plan. Master in Innovation in Tourism Management

During the 2024-25 academic year, the Study Plan of Master in Innovation in Tourism Management undergoes modifications following the favorable resolution of the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia.

As a result, the termination plan for the old study plan was approved, allowing students who began their degree before the study plan modification to complete it under the same conditions in which they enrolled.

The table below outlines the discontinuation process for subjects, which will be concluded by the 2025-26 academic year. From the 2026-27 academic year onwards, students in this situation can only complete their studies by adapting to the new study plan.

Subject TYPE ECTS SUBJECT Academic year 2024-25 Academic year 2025-26 Academic year 2026-27
Tourism Innovation O.B. 6  Innovation Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Strategic and Operational Marketing O.B. 3  Innovation Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Tourism Marketing and Communication O.B. 3  Innovation Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Didactic heritage mediation OPT 12 Didactic Mediation Extinct Extinct Extinct
Communication strategies and audiovisual mediation of heritage spaces. OPT 3 Didactic Mediation Extinct Extinct Extinct
Heritage Didactic Media Resources and Strategies OPT 9 Didactic Mediation Extinct Extinct Extinct
Metropolis and tourism. Fundamentals and characteristics of urban tourism OPT 12 cultural tourism Extinct Extinct Extinct
Interpretative keys to cultural and natural heritage OPT 12 cultural tourism Extinct Extinct Extinct
Territorial planning and development strategies in urban tourist destinations OPT 9 Planning and management of urban destinations Extinct Extinct Extinct
 Tourism Planning and Development Strategies in Destinations OPT 6 Planning and management of urban destinations Extinct Extinct Extinct
Competitiveness of the Tourist Destination OPT 6 Planning and management of urban destinations Extinct Extinct Extinct
Urban Dynamics and Transformations OPT 3 Planning and management of urban destinations Extinct Extinct Extinct
Analysis and planning tools OPT 3 Planning and management of urban destinations Extinct Extinct Extinct
Local and Governance Management in Tourism OPT 3 Planning and management of urban destinations Extinct Extinct Extinct
New models of food production: traditional product, quality product, gastronomic product. OPT 3 Product, food and nutrition Extinct Extinct Extinct
Creative process in gastronomic innovation OPT 3 Product, food and nutrition Extinct Extinct Extinct
Avant-garde gastronomy as a brand and promotional vehicle OPT 3 Product, food and nutrition Extinct Extinct Extinct
Nutritional education OPT 3 Product, food and nutrition Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Application and Transfer of Innovation OPT 12 Application and transfer of innovation Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Application and research tools OPT 6  Investigation methodology Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Investigation methodology OPT 6  Investigation methodology Without teaching Without teaching Extinct