Escuela Universitaria > Bacherlor's Degree. Additional Information >

Termination plan for barchelor's degree in culinary & gastronomic sciences

In the academic year 2024-25, a new curriculum for the degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences will be implemented. The degree will now be solely offered by the EUHT CETT UB in collaboration with the Torribera Food Campus of the University of Barcelona, as it transitions from being an interuniversity degree. The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities approved this change on November 24, 2023.

The implementation of the new degree also includes the approval to phase out the previous degree, allowing enrolled students to complete their studies under the same conditions as the previous UB-UPC interuniversity degree. The table below outlines the process of phasing out the old subjects, which will be completed by the 2027-28 academic year.

Starting from the 2028-29 academic year, students in this situation will only be able to complete their studies by adapting to the new degree.

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