The CETT Alimara Awards Jury for this edition is made up of representatives of organizations from the tourism, hotel and gastronomy sectors:
- Dr. Maria Abellanet, President of CETT
- Ms. Elisabet Ferrer, General Director of CETT
- Mr. Toni Mascaró, Fundador and CEO of EMascaró Crossmedia
- Ms. Ingrid Graells, President of Tech Tourism Cluster
- Representative of the CETT internal expert jury: Dr. Joan Ramón Blaya, director of the digitization and innovation programs at CETT-UB
- Dr. Maria Abellanet, CETT President
- Mr. Miquel Alsius, Counselor at CETT
- Mr. Rafael González, CEO of Vivential Value
- Ms. Anna Maria Sánchez Oresanz, Cap de la Oficina de Màrqueting Turístic of Diputació de Barcelona
- Mr. Martí Sarrate, President of Saló B-Travel
- Representative of the CETT internal expert jury: Dr. Emma Pla, director of the Master's Degree of Tourism Innovation Management and member of the Research Group in Tourism, Culture, and Territory (TURCiT)
- Dr. Maria Abellanet, President of CETT
- Mr. Narcís Coll, President of CETT Fundació
- Ms. Pili Malagarriga, co-founder director of Segundo Mundo RSCC
- Mr. Carlos Romero, Director of Tourism Research, Development & Innovation de Segittur
- Representative of the CETT internal expert jury: Dr. Elena Ridolfi, Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Business Tourism Management specialization in Responsible and Sustainable Tourism; and member of the Research Group in Tourism, Culture, and Territory (TURCiT)
- Dr. Maria Abellanet, President of CETT
- Dr. Berta Ferrer, Profesor of Law, Economy and Tourism Faculty at University of Lleida
- Dr. Damià Serrano, Director of Marqueting, strategy i research of l’Agencia Catalana of Turisme
- Dr. Anna Torres, Faculty and Researcher at University of Surrey
- Representative of the CETT internal expert jury: Dr. Jordi Arcos, director of Research at CETT-UB