The roles


The Master’s Capstone Project (MCP) will be carried out under the supervision of one or more academic tutors who will belong to the group of teachers who teach in the Master. Their task will consist of accompanying, guiding and guiding the student during the process of carrying out the MCP, from the choice of the orientation on which the work will be developed to the presentation and public defense of it. If the MPC is carried out in collaboration with an institution, organization or company, it will be possible to have a professional who as an external tutor will collaborate, as co-tutor with the academic, in defining the content of the MPC and in its development.

Tutor's functions

The functions of the tutor are:

    • The tutor guides the student during the completion of the MCP and supports the development of the required competencies.
    • On the contrary, they are not functions of the tutor:
    • To participate in the drafting of the MCP report
    • To directly correct spelling or grammar errors
    • To over-review the different versions of the MCP

Student's functions

The functions of the student are:

  • To read SCP information in the Student Guide
  • To know the CETT Style Manual and apply it in the development of the MCP
  • To contact the tutor to report on progress, ask questions that may arise and send partial deliveries of the MCP
  • To request regular tutorials with the tutor to monitor the progress of the MCP
  • To have initiative and autonomy in carrying out the MCP, without losing the contact with the tutor
  • To send a final version of the MCP to the tutor well in advance so that he or she has time to review it
  • To submit the report and presentation of the MCP within the established deadlines and format

Finally, it should be remembered that although the tutor has a key role in guiding the MCP, the student has the ultimate responsibility for the final result and the quality of the project delivered.