Project's Typologies


In order to meet the diversity of students and maximize their different potentialities, various possibilities for completing the TFM have been considered.

The possible typologies and orientations are indicated below. 

Photography from: Project's Typologies


The orientation of each of the projects will be determined between the tutor / student depending on the nature of the subject.

As a general rule, the research group projects have research orientation, although if the study is much applied the professional orientation index can be used and vice versa, the projects in the company have professional orientation, but the company may require more theoretical or state studies of the question in which case the index of the research orientation can be applied.


Assignment of tutor:  

The corresponding Studies Coordination makes a tutor proposal for each TFM.

Each project is assigned a tutor according to their field of expertise based on their academic and professional career, so it is ensured that the subject will be displayed under the direction of an expert.

This list of proposal of TFM tutors is approved by the Direction of the EUHT CETT-UB, and it is the Studies Coordination that is in charge of communicating it to each tutor and student.


TFM linked to a Research Group  

The student develops his individual work based on his participation in research groups (GI ), with the direct tutoring of a team leader, and realizing face-to-face sessions and autonomous student work. The master coordinator will inform the students, if this is the case, of the TFM offer linked to the GI, and the student must communicate by e-mail their desire to collaborate in some of them and thus contemplate their candidacy. It will be the master coordinator himself who, by email, will confirm his acceptance. There could be specific circumstances that allow the master coordinator to plan the realization of this type of TFM in a group manner, an aspect that would be communicated to the students if that were the case.  

The orientation of this type of project is research and, therefore, requires a specific structure (see section MCP Guide Developement) see section MCP Guide Developement .  If the study is very applied, the professional orientation index can be used.  

TFM linked to a public or private organization through a Collaboration Agreement

The student carries out his project in collaboration with a tourist organization with which he agrees on the subject of the project to be carried out and this facilitates access to the information and resources necessary for the development of the project.

The student can carry out his TFM from his stay in companies, institutions and tourist NGOs , with the tutoring of a professional of these and the co-tutorization of a professor of the EUHT CETT-UB.

The TFM developed under this modality will be coordinated by the department of CETT Career Service and the corresponding Master's Direction.  

The general process of this type of TFM is indicated below: 

1. TFM offer:   The student is responsible for looking for the company where to develop the TFM and solve any possible incidents that may arise.

The CETT provides spaces to facilitate the search for companies through the "CETT Talent" and the “Intership Talent Fair”.  

The student can also propose to   Career Service   a possible TFM that you have achieved through your own efforts. In this case, you must complete the  TFM-Company Application , which must be validated by the Master's Coordination so that it can be carried out. 

2. Selection of students for the TFM:   for the assignment of a student to this type of TFM will require both the acceptance by the company and the validation of the candidate by the EUHT CETT-UB.

The validation of the candidate by the Coordination of the Master will be mainly based on the academic record.   The results obtained in the assessments of the courses taken before the TFM assignment will be taken into account, with an average score of 7 out of 10 being recommended.

In the case of a negative file in the first semester of the course (with a suspended subject, for example) the convenience or not of the student opting for this type of TFM will be analyzed.

Likewise, other aspects of the profile of the candidate may be assessed, such as motivation, language proficiency, attitudes, etc. 

3. Incorporation of the students to the TFM:   A "Collaboration Agreement" constitutes the legal framework in which the student's stay in the company takes place. According to regulations, master students cannot start their internship until they have exceeded 50% of the training credits . For this reason, no internship agreement will be made until the evaluation period of the first semester (February) has been completed. Any case other than this temporality should be studied by the EUHT CETT-UB, needing its approval to make it effective. 

4. Duration of the TFM:   It will be adjusted to what is included in the regulations of the Center's practices and to the ordinary delivery schedule of TFM's

5. Administrative management and development of the TFM:   the administrative procedures for the start of this type of TFM will be about 10-15 days from the confirmation of the same by the company. 

6. Termination of the TFM:   During the period of completion of the TFM, the student has the obligation to communicate to his tutor in the EUHT CETT-UB or   Career Service , any incident that causes problems in the completion of your TFM.

In parallel,  Career Service will be in contact with the company in order to assess the TFM of the student.

In case any of the parties decides to terminate the Collaboration Agreement, the causes will be carefully analyzed and, in the case that the maximum responsible is the student, it may be a reason to suspend the TFM. 

7. Expulsion of the student by the organization:   in the event that the student is expelled from the TFM by the organization that receives it for reasons attributable to their behaviour, aptitude, etc., and after their verification by the student. Career Service, said student will suspend the subject of TFM in the corresponding academic year. 

All projects of this type will have: 

· Project manager in company, entity or institution (hereinafter DP).   The DP will be the person who will assume the responsibility of providing the student with the necessary resources for the correct development of the project, as well as guiding the student in the necessary decisions to achieve the objectives of the project. 

· Teacher-Tutor of EUHT CETT-UB (hereinafter PT).   The PT will be responsible for the fulfilment of the academic requirements demanded by the project, helping and guiding the student in the development of his TFM. 

· Tutor linked to Career Service.   The tutor of   Career Service   will act as liaison between the EUHT CETT-UB and the company in compliance with the formal requirements that must be made in this process (signature agreement, insurance student, ..), while ensuring the monitoring together with the company. 

The orientation of this type of project is professional and, therefore, requires a specific structure  (see section MCP Guide Developement) . However, if the company requires more theoretical or state-of-the-art studies, the index of the research orientation can be applied. 


Student iniciative

The student develops his work based on his personal motivations with the direct supervision of a tutor.

The first step that the student must carry out is to prepare a Master's Thesis proposal, which must reflect various aspects that allow the student to draw the objective to be studied, as well as to make a temporalitzation that allows assessing its viability.

To carry out this proposal, the student / a must respond to the items proposed in the document created for this purpose Registration Request .

This must be presented to the Coordination of the Master in order to be accepted and can begin its development.

Once the Final Master Project proposal has been submitted and approved, the Master's Coordination will assign a tutor to help the student achieve the effective completion of the TFM.

The orientation of this type of project will be decided according to the nature of the topic and between the tutor and the student.

It can be of investigative or professional orientation and depending on the determined orientation, a specific structure or another will be required  (see section MCP Guide Developement)