Assessment system

Assessment system
SCP presentation

The regulations established by the Ministry of Education state that all Senior Capstone Project must include a defense. For this reason, the presentation of the project is a part of the assessment of the course.

The defense of the SCP will be assessed by an academic board of 3 professors that will assess the performance of the students based on the defense. In the case of SCP linked to an organization/company, the professional tutor will also be invited to the presentation.

The face-to-face defense of the project implies a 10-minute public presentation of the project. There will be an extra 10 minutes for questions and clarifications.

The presentation must include the presentation of the different sections of the project, including the most relevant elements of each one.

The presentations will be organized in 3-4 days at the end of each semester. The defense calendar will be uploaded in the Virtual Campus in the Senior Capstone Project subject.

Assessment process


The assessment of the Senior Capstone Project takes into account the achievement of the objectives specified on the design of the subject: assess the skills achieved by the students throughout the studies, test their maturity of and their ability to apply the skills achieved and develop research methodologies and problem solving within the field of study.

The SCP implies delving into the knowledge and abilities developed in the different courses throughout the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism.

In order to carry out this assessment, an specific evaluation system has been designed in order to evaluate the report, the article and the presentation, as well as the process of developing the SCP. The assessment rubrics are different depending the type of the project developed:

Assessment rubrics Research SCP
Assessment rubrics Business SCP
Assessment rubrics Entrepreneurship SCP
Assessment rubrics Research SCP
Assessment rubrics Business SCP
Assessment rubrics Entrepreneurship SCP


  • To pass the subject, it is mandatory to have obtained a minimum final grade of "5".
  • The SCP Advisor has the authority to exclude students from the subject's evaluation process. This exclusion implies failing the subject with no option to re-assess.
  • Only SCPs who have obtained a grade between 4 and 4.99 can opt for re-assessment.
  • If two academic board members assess the SCP with a grade lower than 5, the students will not pass the subject and will automatically go for re-assessment. In this case, the final grade will be 4.5, at maximum.
  • If two academic board members assess the SCP with a grade lower than 4, the SCP cannot opt ​​for reassessment even if the final average is equal to or higher than 4. In this case, the final mark will be 3.5, at maximum.
  • A student with a final grade lower than 5 cannot opt ​​for reassessment if other members of his /her SCP group have obtained a mark equal or higher than 5.


The Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Committee decides the assignation of SCP correctors. It is constituted by:

  • Director of the EUHT CETT - UB.
  • SCP Coordination
  • Resposinble professor for the Thematic Area in which the project is related.
  • Responsible of the Career Services (in the case of company/ institutions SCP).

The academic board assigned for each SCP will assess the report submitted and the oral presentation. SCP Coordination is responsible for submitting the grades to the Academic Secretariat.


Reassessment is available for those students who have failed the SCP.  Only those students who have failed the project under the conditions described above will be able to opt for this system. In addition, it is not possible to reassess projects that wish to raise their grade or those that have not been submitted.

Reassessment will only involve the modification of the final grade if the new project is passed and, in any case, the maximum grade will be 5. Also, if in the reassessment process, the assessment of two members of the academic board is lower than 5, the SCP cannot be passed even though the final average is equal to or higher than 5. In this case, the final grade will be of 4.5, at maxium.