B.1. Projects related to Institutions or Companies by an Educational Collaboration Agreement

The core mission of the CETT Group is to provide its students with excellent education and the transmission of valuable knowledge in gastronomy. Our education system is based on research, generation of specialized and expert knowledge and its application in the sector in the form of solutions and innovation that create competitive advantage and valuable services and products. SCP related to institutions and companies are an excellent tool to develop this mission.

Professors, researchers, companies, students and public institutions work collaboratively in different projects. This collaboration boasts the philosophy of creating a new European space for higher education while at the same time facilitating the integration of the student in the sector and creating value for all the actors involved. In order to carry out this type of SCP, the student must look for a company where to carry out the project and formalize the proposal within the relevant deadlines.

The different stakeholders of this type of SCP are:

  • Business Tutor: is the person in the company responsible for providing the student with the necessary resources for the successful development of the project, as well as guiding the student into making the necessary decisions for achieving the project's objectives. The PD will also be responsible for assessing the student's stay at the company and the project carried out by the student.
  • Professor – Tutor): he/she will be the professors of university responsible that will guide the student during the development of the project. This tutor must also make sure all the academic requirement are acquired and he/she will be chosen based on his/her expert knowledge on the SCP's topic.
  • Career Services Advisor: Career Services will be the link between the EUHT CETT-UB and the company. It will also make sure that the formal requirements are followed throughout the whole process (signature of the agreement, student insurance, ...).
  • Student: student with the SCP enrolled.
  • University - Company Projects Committee: All business project will be analysed by this Committee (EUHT CETT-UB Administration, SCP Administration and Career Services) in order to validate the proposal as a project.

This type of project involves a practical learning stage in an institution or company in order to develop the SCP. There are two possibilities:

• With geographical mobility: it is necessary to distinguish between the European mobility, with the possibility to receive a grant, and international mobility.

• Without geographical mobility: all those projects developed with a practical stay in national institutions and companies.

The orientation of this type of project is professional and, therefore, requires a specific structure. However, if the company requires more theoretical studies, the research orientation index can be applied.