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Mentoring Program


The CETT ALUMNI MENTORING program was born with the aim of providing a qualified learning process to young people graduated in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy at CETT, through their interaction with professionals with consolidated and proven experience. This learning complements the academic knowledge.

Professionals from different sectors, on a voluntary basis, will support the professional development of newly graduated Alumni using their knowledge and experiences and offering personalized advice on professional topics, specific training, access to the labor market and careers.



Professional with extensive experience in a specific field or in transversal managerial management, willing to accompany and optimize the learning process of a junior professional through active listening and a high capacity for asking questions.



Last year students from any of the CETT degrees and last year graduated students, with no more than 3 year professional experience and who is willing to get involved in an active learning project with a high continuity commitment.



To become a mentee:

  • Be a 23/24 graduate or CETTAlumni Premium student.
  • Have an average grade of 7 on the last academic transcript.
  • Have at least 3 months of work experience or internships related to the sector.
  • Fill in the registration form

*Enrollment period: until 03/07/2024

Places are limited

To become a mentor:

  • More than 10 years in some field of knowledge if you are not in charge of a functional or business unit.
  • More than 5 years if you are in charge of a functional or business unit.
  • Have completed a training course at CETT
  • Fill in the registration form

The CETT Alumni Mentoring program is intended to be developed in a minimum of 4 sessions (with the possibility of extending the number of meetings if desired) between the mentor and mentee, which should be distributed among the following dates:

Presentation meetingJuly 2024
Take off meetingSeptember 2024
Follow-up meetingNovember 2024
Closing meetingFebruary 2024
Career counselingDate to be determined

The sessions can be held both in virtual and face-to-face format, in this case, CETT will make available some of its spaces to hold the meetings during the program. In addition, in order to ensure the success of the program, it is necessary that both Mentors and Mentees prepare the following follow-up report after each meeting.