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Termination plan. Master in Development and Launch of Tourism Projects

During the 2024-25 academic year, the Study Plan of Master in Development and Launch of Tourism Projects undergoes modifications following the favorable resolution of the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia.

As a result, the termination plan for the old study plan was approved, allowing students who began their degree before the study plan modification to complete it under the same conditions in which they enrolled.

The table below outlines the discontinuation process for subjects, which will be concluded by the 2025-26 academic year. From the 2026-27 academic year onwards, students in this situation can only complete their studies by adapting to the new study plan.

Subjects ECTS Type SUBJECT Course 24-25 Course 25-26 Course 26-27
Financial management of tourism projects 6 O.B. COMPANY Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Advanced tourism marketing 6 O.B. COMPANY Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Innovation strategies in tourism products and services 6 O.B. TOURISM PROJECT MANAGEMENT Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
Actors and financing instruments of tourism projects 6 OPT ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Key competencies of the tourism entrepreneur 6 OPT ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Transformative social entrepreneurship 6 OPT ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Marketing for the launch of entrepreneurial projects in tourism 6 OPT ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Leadership and corporate entrepreneurship 6 OPT ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Economy of experience in global tourism 6 OPT TOURIST INTERNATIONALIZATION Extinct Extinct Extinct
Practical application of innovation in tourism companies 6 OPT INNOVATION IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Organizational systems and intra-learning ecosystems in tourism companies 6 OPT INNOVATION IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Co-creation and collaborative innovation 6 OPT INNOVATION IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Instruments for disruptive innovation 6 OPT INNOVATION IN TOURISM Extinct Extinct Extinct
Internships in a tourism company or organization 6 OPT PRACTICES Without teaching Without teaching Extinct
User experience/usability experience in tourism 6 OTD DIGITAL TOURIST TECHNOLOGY Extinct Extinct Extinct
Disruptive business models based on technology 6 OTD DIGITAL TOURIST TECHNOLOGY Extinct Extinct Extinct
Final work of master 6 TFM FINAL WORK OF MASTER Without teaching Without teaching Extinct