
The following elements should be taken into account:

  • The students must upload all the documents related to the project to the Virtual Campus in the MCP folder. The Submission Guide may help you manage the submission of the MCP in the Virtual Campus.
  • MCP related to a public or private organization through a Collaboration Agreement will be considered confidential projects. For this reason, even if the students must follow the same submission process, the visualization of the project will be limited. Only the Examining Board and the master's Coordination will have access to the project.
a. Deadlines 

The following dates have been established for the submission of the project:

First Semester: February 16th 2024 (only students who are re-taking the subject or who haven't enrolled the project the previous year may opt for this date)

Second semester:
  • Submission for Republica Dominicana Student's: June 14th, 2024
  • 1st submission other students: June 28th, 2024 
  • 2nd submission other students: September 1st, 2024

NOTA: Failed projects (minimum grade: 4) may be re-submitted for re-evaluation 2 weeks after the grades are published.

Faculty staff will not do tutorial classes during holidays.

b. Formal requirements 

The languages in which the Final Dissertation (TFM) can be carried out correspond to the teaching language of the master's degree and the group in which the student is enrolled.

All the documents of the MCP must adapt to the established requirements regarding the format (font and size, spacing, margin, figures and tables, etc.), the citation style and reference list. It is extremely necessary to follow the Style Manual

c. Technical Requirement – format

All the MCP documents must follow the technical requirements:

Submission Document[1]

Technical Requirement

TFM Full Report

PDF format


PDF format

Defense Presentation

PPT format, PREZI…

[1] Attention: Avoid punctuation marks, accents and long titles.