MCP Defense

The regulations established by the Ministry of Education state that all Master's Capstone Project must include a defense. So, the EUHT CETT-UB contemplates that the student must defend the project, by means of a face-to-face presentation at power point or pricing that is advised not to exceed 12 slides.
The student must defend the MCP in 15 minutes using a power point or prezzi presentation. It is advised that the presentation does not exceed 12 slides.
The defense of the MCP will be assessed by an Examining committee of 2 or 3 experts that will assess the performance of the students based on the defense.The student must answer any doubts or questions asked in relation to the project.
Exceptionally, it can be requested a remote Defense of the MCP if it is properly justified, if there is an impossibility of attendance in the established day and hour properly justified. If the Studies Coordinator accept this option, the best way to carry it out will be communicated to the students considering two possibilities:
  • Performing a presentation in Power Point with audio that will have to be uploaded to the virtual campus together with the rest of the TFM documents on the stipulated date (see DELIVERY). During a certain period of time (nine days), the Examining Board and the University's community will be able to post questions, doubts and clarifications about the project.
  • Making a real-time session via SKYPE (or similar), in this case the student will answer the questions of the Examining Board during the same session

In case of opting for the first option, a public consultation period will be opened during which the project will be visible to the entire EUHT CETT-UB community and the Evaluation committee., who will formulate the questions it deems appropriate through the virtual forum. The author of the project must answer (defend) the questions through the forum within a period of 48 hours from the date of publication of the questions by the committee.

In the case of the second option, the student will answer the Court's questions during the same session.