Research SCP

The SCPs linked to the CETT research groups involve carrying out a research project in a specific area of ​​the tourism sector. This type of project contemplates a specific structure that, in general, considers research objectives, a theoretical framework about the topic, a methodology to collect and analyze data, results and conclusions.

In this typology, the student selects the SCP topic from a pre-established offer by the CETT research groups. At the end of June/beginning of July, the offer of projects for the next academic year is published for both the 1st and 2nd semesters.

Each of the SCP offered is linked to a specialization, according to its topic. Therefore, the student must choose a SCP related to the specialization studied since it is a requirement to obtain the specialization of the degree. Mixed projects cover all three specializations. It is the student's responsibility to consult the project offer and, if necessary, request any information or clarification in this regard by arranging a tutorial with the SCP coordinator.

IMPORTANT: the offer indicate which projects can be done through an research structure. If you are interested in this type of projects, only select the ones that can be done in this modality.

In addition, this type of SCP involves developing the project in small groups. Each project will be developed by a team of students who will be advised by a tutor, with whom different follow-up sessions will be held throughout the semester. There will also be an amount of autonomous work by the student.