Rights and Duties

Rights and duties of internship students


a) Be tutored, during the internship period, by a member of Career Services, and by a professional from the company or institution, to carry out the training project.

b) Be evaluated, and do the tests and all the corresponding mandatory activities.

c) Obtain a report from the company or institution where the internship has been carried out, expressly mentioning the activity carried out, the duration and, where appropriate, its performance.

d) Receive, in the cases so established, the financial contribution foreseen by the company or institution, in the form of a stock exchange or study aid, and be paid in the manner determined by both parties.

e) To the intellectual and industrial property in the terms established by the legislation regulating the matter.

f) Receive information on the Safety and Occupational Risk Prevention Regulations from the company or institution.

g) Comply with the academic and training activity and the following permit regime, after communicating it in advance to the collaborating company or institution, in accordance with article 10.2. of the student's duties:

1. For exams, either final or partial.

2. For tutorials: the student has permission to the hours essential for tutoring.

3. The time necessary to carry out compulsory academic activities and university representation and participation.

4. For medical visit: the student has permission at the essential hours to attend the medical visit.

5. Due to illness: between 10% and 15% of the total duration of hours of the practices programmed in the training project. In this case, the student can extend the period or the hours of the practices by the number of hours of the illness, after a justification of the medical part.

6. For other cases duly justified and agreed upon between the company or institution and the EUHT CETT-UB

h) Have the necessary resources so that students with disabilities can access guardianship, information, evaluation and the development of practices under equal conditions.

i) Reconcile, in the case of students with disabilities, the realization of the practices with the activities and personal situations derived from or connected with the disability situation.

j) Enjoy accident insurance coverage during the internship period, in accordance with the mandatory school policy.

k) To the protection of personal data derived from the internship in the company or institution.

l) Receive the documentation related to their practices.


a) Comply with current regulations regarding practices of the EUHT CETT-UB

b) Know and comply with the planned work plan following the instructions of the tutor in the company or institution, under the supervision of the tutor of the Center.

c) Maintain contact with the academic tutor throughout the planned duration of the activity and inform him of any incident that may arise in its development.

d) Incorporate on the date agreed in the company or institution, comply with the scheduled time and respecting the rules of operation, safety and prevention of occupational hazards.

e) Develop the training project and diligently comply with the activities agreed with the company or institution, in accordance with the training project.

f) Prepare and deliver to the academic tutor the final report of practices and any other document of the center, if applicable.

g) Participate in internship monitoring calls or meetings organized by Career Services throughout the internship period.

h Maintain confidentiality about the internal information of the company or institution and do not exploit the data obtained in practice without the express authorization of the collaborating entity and the EUHT CETT-UB.

e) Show, at all times, a respectful attitude towards the policy of the company or institution, safeguarding the good name of the EUHT CETT-UB.

j) The student must inform the company or the institution in advance about attending any activity derived from their permit regime.

Rights and duties of the company or institution's tutor


a) That the student's internship does not interfere with the normal development of the tasks and functions of the company or institution.

b) Obtain the necessary information and support from the academic tutor for the fulfillment of the objectives of her function.

c) Resolve the internship agreement and the training program in accordance with the reasons provided for in these Regulations and current legislation.

d) The tutor has the right to be recognized and accredited by the EUHT CETT-UB for her tutoring work, if requested.

e) Be informed about the Center's Practice Regulations, and also about the training project and the conditions under which it is developed.

f) Receive all the information and documentation regarding the activity carried out by the student.


a) Welcome the student, organize and facilitate the activity to develop in accordance with the provisions of the training project.

b) Guard and supervise the activities of the student, guide and control the development of the practice, with a relationship based on mutual respect and commitment to learning.

c) Inform the student about the organization and operation of the company or institution, and the regulations that may be of interest, especially those relating to safety and occupational risks applicable to internships.

d) Coordinate with the academic tutor the development of the activities established in the program.

e) Issue a follow-up report regarding the student that makes mention of the practical activity carried out, the duration and, where appropriate, the performance. Said report will be requested around the middle of the internship period agreed with the student.

f) Issue the final report on the practice carried out by the student in the company or institution.

g) Provide the complementary training that the student needs to carry out the practices.

h) Provide the student with the essential material means for the development of the practice.

e) Facilitate and stimulate the contribution of proposals for innovation, improvement and entrepreneurship by the student.

j) Provide the academic tutor with access to the company or institution to fulfill the obligations of its function.

k) Maintain confidentiality in relation to any information of the student that he knows as a result of the activity as a tutor.

l) Help, in any case, the student internship during their course and resolve professional issues that the student may need to carry out the activities.

m) Deliver the completed internship agreement before the student's incorporation, or failing that, within the week following the start of the internship.

n) Comply with the conditions contained in the educational cooperation agreement regulating the practices, including the modifications of the training project that may be necessary for the normal development of the practice, as well as the communication and resolution of possible incidents that may arise in its development , and on the student's permit regime.

o) Respect the student's permit regime, facilitating attendance at evaluation tests and other compulsory activities of the subjects in which he / she is enrolled.

p) Comply, where appropriate, with the payment of the agreed amount as a bag or study aid, and the performance of the pertinent obligations towards Social Security.


Rights and duties of academic tutors


b) To be informed of the Regulations that regulate internships in companies, the training project and the conditions under which the student's stay for tutoring takes place.

c) Have access to the collaborating company or institution, for the fulfillment of the objectives of their function.

d) Obtain information that is interesting for the company or institution after an agreement of the parties involved.


a) Ensure compliance with the development and the training project, and guarantee the compatibility of the schedule of the internship with the academic, training and representation obligations and participation of the student.

b) Carry out an effective monitoring of the practices, in coordination with the tutor of the company or institution, and assess the practices through the final report that they prepare.

c) Authorize any modifications that may occur for the normal development of the practices without substantially altering the training program and always with the prior agreement of the company or institution.

d) Carry out the evaluation process of the students' practices.

e) Maintain professional secrecy in relation to any information that you learn as a result of your activity as a tutor.

f) Supervise, and where appropriate request, the adequate provision of the necessary support resources to ensure that students with disabilities carry out their internships under conditions of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility.

g) Comply with the conditions contained in the educational cooperation agreement regulating external practices, including modifications of the training project that may be necessary for the normal development of the practice, as well as the communication and resolution of possible incidents that may arise in the development, and on the student's permit regime.

h) Coordinate and collaborate with the tutor of the company or institution in the development of the activities established in the training project.

and Provide the tutor of the company or institution with the information necessary for the fulfillment of the tasks of their function.

j) Carry out the tutoring, control the development conditions and follow-up of the practices.