Photography from:  Opening ceremony of the academic year CETT-UB | CETT

October 28th at 12:30pm

CETT-UB welcomes the 2024-2025 academic year on October 30 at 12:30 pm in an inaugural conference entitled “From Catalonia to California, lessons learned by leading Fortune 500 companies” by the entrepreneur Anna Navarro Descals.

Don't miss the opportunity to get to know an internationally renowned Catalan and American who has lived most of her life in California.

Anna will tell us about her "secret sauce" that led her to be named the most admired woman in the world of technology in 2020 and 2023.

Maria Cusó, journalist, will be the host of the event that will begin with a welcome by Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, president of CETT. Dr. Joan Guàrdia, Rector of the University of Barcelona, will close the event, which will end with an aperitif in the garden. 

Anna Navarro Descals
Professional success comes from studying, being a good person and working as part of a team, and not being a 'jerk'!

Anna Navarro Descals

This year's guest speaker for the inaugural lecture of the academic year is HE. Ms. Anna Navarro Descals, a true world leader.

Born in Olot, she has lived most of her life in the United States, more specifically in California. She is an entrepreneur, investor, founder, author and recently elected as a member of the Parliament of Catalonia.

Throughout her career she has achieved great success in all the organizations where she has worked, especially for product globalization strategies. She is often referred to as a “technological guru”, as she has more than 30 years of experience being a leader in major technology companies in Silicon Valley, such as in Procore Technologies, Cisco Systems, VERISIGN, VMware, Xerox i NetApp.

In 2017 he published the book: "Truly Global", published in Catalan "Veritablement Global". Anna has been featured in magazines such as Forbes and Fortune among many others. Today, she continues to consult for the international product team at Google and other technology companies, and is a frequent speaker at forums and conferences around the world.

Passionate about innovation, Anna focuses on promoting sustainability, women's equality in the technology sector and ethical leadership.


12.00h Opening of doors

12.30h Start of the event. Host Ms. Maria Cusó, journalist 

12.35h Welcome by Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, president of CETT. 

12.40h Inaugural lecture by HE. Ms. Anna Navarro Descals, Member of the Parliament of Catalonia and Global Product and Platforms Executive.   

13.15h Closing by Mgfc. Dr. Joan Guàrdia, Rector of the University of Barcelona.  

13.20h Refreshments in the garden

14.00h End of the event  

Fotografies del 53è acte d'inauguració del curs acadèmic 2023-2024

¿Are you coming?

Attendance at the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Course is by invitation. Capacity is limited.

If you wish to accompany us and have not received an invitation, you can contact us by sending an email to

All students can confirm their attendance through the Virtual Campus.

The teaching staff and service staff will be informed through internal communication channels.

Truly Global: The Theory and Practice of Bringing Your Company to International Markets

Originally published in 2016 and in Catalan language in 2023 (La Breu edicions) under the title “Veritablement Global”, this book is ideal for leaders of international corporations, managing members, workers and students. 

It explains from the inside how large companies penetrate international markets to successfully offer their products to customers of different cultures and languages. It covers everything you need to know to globalize a company from top to bottom, from who to hire as members of a globalization team, how to integrate globalization into all departments, and how to use team research to build brand presence in new markets. 

Truly Global Anna Navarro
Anna Navarro Premsa clipping

L'Anna Navarro Descals en la premsa

  • Anna N. Schlegel: " A les universitats de california han prohibit l'ús del chat GPT als estudiants" a Pop Up (3cat). ¡Escúchalo!
  • Anna N. Schlegel: “Som molt emprenedors, a Califòrnia la meitat dels carrers són de catalans” a VilaWeb. ¡Leélo!

  • Anna N. Schlegel: “I el fuet? Hem d’exportar moltíssims productes catalans als Estats Units!” a Via Empresa. ¡Leélo!

  • Anna N. Schlegel, la dona més influent de Silicon Valley: «Sé què és la discriminació» a El Periódico. ¡Leélo!

  • Anna N. Schelgel ens presenta l'assaig "Veritablement global" al +3/24. ¡Miralo!

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