This rule is based on the guidelines established by the University of Barcelona approved by its Social Council on the 8th of July of 2021, for the "Regulations ruling the maximum number of credits to be enrolled in Official Undergraduate Studies" approved by the Governing Council on the 19th of July of 2012 and by the Royal Decree 822/2021 of the 28th of September, which establish the organization of University Education and its quality assurance procedure.

Finally, the center has the opportunity to resolve, in a reasoned and equitable manner through its Management Department, and also in line with the interests and needs of each academic field, the exceptional situations that are raised, and also address the personal cases that are deemed to be resolved.


248 / 5.000 This regulation applies to all students in any of the following studies:

-Official undergraduate programs -Custom programs for graduates in Marketing, Events and Entertainment, and graduates in International Hotel Management"


The EUHT CETT-UB adopts, as a general enrollment model, a type of annual enrollment with an extension of subjects in the second semester where students enroll at the beginning of the course all the annual subjects of the first and second semester.

2.1 Enrollment Extension – 2nd Semester

At the start of the second semester the EU CETT-UB formalizes an extension of enrollment so that the student can include, if interested and within the permanence regulations, some of the subjects with places available in the second semester, as long as it has not been taken in the first semester (except graduating students).

2.2 Finalizing Students

A finalizing student is considered to be a student who has at least 165 approved ECTS credits of the entire Degree.

This student has the right to enroll all the failed subjects in the first semester during the second semester in order to favor the completion of the studies, as long as the student enrolls during the course all the credits pending to complete their studies and that these subjects are taught in the second semester and have places available.

If it is a failed elective subject, it is not necessary to re-enroll in the same subject. The student can choose another subject that has the same credit value and maintains the optional character.

2.2.1. Students with 10% of the credits pending completion

If the student has a maximum of 24 credits to complete their studies, they must keep in mind that

  • it is obligatory to enroll all the pending credits to finish the Degree
  • they are entitled to a call for extraordinary assessment, regardless of the semester of the subject and must request it in the self-enrollment process.


EUHT CETT-UB generally uses the self-enrollment method via Internet. The student is considered to have applied for enrollment when they confirm it.

The completion of the enrollment is conditioned on the veracity of the submitted data, on the compliance with the requirements established in current regulations and on the full payment within the established terms.

Failure to pay the enrollment cost or any of the installments within the deadlines established by the economic regulations of the EUHT CETT-UB, entails the automatic suspension of the rights of students with the conditions established.


Students enrolling in a degree for the first time must submit the following documentation to the CETT Academic Secretary’s Office:


 Valid Identity Document at the time of enrollment:

• Spanish students or residents in Spain, DNI or residence card.
• International Students non-EU, passport and NIE.
• International Students from the EU can submit the identity document issued by the competent authority of the country of origin and the NIE.

 1 passport-sized photo.

 Student’s File. (Descarrega AQUÍ)

 SEPA direct debit mandate. (Descarrega AQUÍ)



A. Students who have upper high school studies and assimilated with PAU

  • If you have taken the University Entrance Exam (EBAU/PAU) in Catalonia.

    - Original EBAU / PAU approval card, accreditation sheet, or certificate, if presented.
  • If you have taken the University Entrance Exam (EBAU/PAU) in another autonomous community.

    - Receipt for the payment of the Academic Record transfer issued by the origin center.

B. Students with a CFGS – advanced professional training – diploma

  • Official Grades Certificate issued by the corresponding center featuring the student’s average score.

  • In case the student has taken the EBAU/PAU: PAU accreditation sheet or the corresponding certificate.

C. Students with University Studies started

  • If you have university studies started: the receipt for the payment of the Academic Record transfer issued by your former University. If that center is the University of Barcelona (UB), submitting the Academic Record will be enough.

D. Students with foreign studies

  • If you have the European or international Baccalaureate, you have to submit the following documents:

    - Original accreditation issued by UNED for the access to a Spanish university or the accreditation for the access to the University of UNEDassis.
    - In case the student has taken the EBAU/PAU: PAU accreditation sheet or the corresponding certificate.
  • If your studies are from an educational system from the EU, the UK or other States with international agreements on a reciprocal basis, you have to submit the following documents:

    - Original accreditation issued by UNED for the access to a Spanish university or the accreditation for the access to the University of UNEDassis.
    - In case the student has taken the EBAU/PAU: PAU accreditation sheet or the corresponding certificate.
  • If your studies are from an educational system from the EU or the UK that do not fulfill the University access requirements in the origin country, your foreign studies are from other educational studies, homologated or Spanish studies (Baccalaureate or CFGS – Advanced professional training), you have to submit the following documents:

    - The original homologation credential for the foreign studies diploma and a photocopy.
    - In case the student has taken the EBAU/PAU: PAU accreditation sheet or the corresponding certificate.

E. College graduates and assimilated

  • For Spanish university studies:

    - The original diploma or the corresponding substitute certificate or the diploma receipt certificate and a photocopy. UB graduates can just take the Academic Record.
  • For students with foreign university studies:

    - The original and a photocopy of the homologation credential or the declaration of equivalency with a Bachelor’s Degree issued by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

F. Students that have taken the university entrance exam for over 25-s

  • If the student has taken the exam in Catalonia or at UNED:

    - Original justification sheet or accreditation certificate that features the student’s grade.
  • If the student has taken the exam in another autonomous community.

    - The payment receipt for the Academic Record transfer issued by the student’s former center.

G. Students that have taken the university entrance exam for over 40-s or 45-s

  • Original accreditation sheet for having passed the exam featuring the student’s grade.

H. Students with simultaneous studies

  • Academic certificate stating the access data. If the center is from the UB or a center attached to the UB, an Academic Record is sufficient.


  • Resolution of the Directorate of Studies that grants them the corresponding place.

  • With Spanish university studies: proof of having paid the transfer fees issued by the center of origin. If the center is from the UB or a center attached to the UB, you must provide the academic transcript


  • In the case of requesting any exemption and / or bonus, you have to hand in the documentation accrediting the concurrence of the alleged cause, according to the provisions of the rule that determines the exemption, in the form and terms established by the UB in the supplementary regulations that are approved annually. Application and more information.
The documentation must be submitted for the procedure and within the deadline established by the center.

The documentation submitted must be original or an authentic copy with a secure verification code (CSV) to verify the veracity of the document in the electronic files of the issuing body. In the case of enrollment in an affiliated center of the UB, the center may request the presentation of a photocopy of the original documentation.

Failure to submit the documentation within the deadline communicated by the Academic Secretary may lead to the official cancellation of the registration by the center without the right to any refund. In any case, the presentation of the documentation will be an essential condition to formalize a new registration, modify the registration and / or request any academic service (certificates, diplomas, file transfers, etc.).


The minimum and maximum enrollment credits are regulated in the permanence regulations that apply according to the education of the student, however, students who apply for a general scholarship must enroll in the minimum credits established in the call.

Students enrolling in a UB degree for the first time must enroll for 60 credits (full-time) or 30 (part-time).

Students who have previously enrolled in the same degree and first-year students who have previously completed, full-time or part-time, other official university studies at any university, must enroll, between the first and second semester, with a minimum of 18 credits and a maximum of 60 credits.

It is understood that the student follows a part-time itinerary if the enrollment is between 18 and 45 credits, and that it follows a full-time itinerary if the enrollment is between 46 and 60 credits.

Recognized credits are not considered in terms of the number of credits to be enrolled.

5.1. Exceptional Enrollment of a maximum of 78 credits

Exceptionally, and when justified, Coordination of Studies, may authorize enrollments that exceed the 60 new credits up to a maximum of 78 credits per academic year. Application Form

5.2. Students in Academic Mobility Program

Students who participate in Mobility Programs are allowed to enroll up to a maximum of 75 credits, all of which may be new, if the case.


Exceptionally, the possibility of making changes to the enrollment is only contemplated in the following cases:

  • For having made a mistake at the time of enrollment. In this case, it will be necessary to specify properly the reason for this error.

  • For work reasons. It will be essential to attach a company certificate with the student's working hours in order to be able to study the change. This change will be conditioned by the availability of places in the requested class group.

Changes due to overlap in subject schedules are not accepted

*Enrollment modification application period: from 10 to 20 July

*Resolution of the application: 26nd of July



7.1. Enrollment limits for students who have not obtained the necessary credits to obtain the degree.

Students enrolled in official undergraduate courses at the University of Barcelona who have not obtained the necessary credits to obtain the degree may exceed the number of optional credits enrolled up to a maximum of 6 credits. This enrollment will have the same effects on the student's record as the other enrolled credits.

Exceptionally, an undergraduate student who fails to pass the Final Degree Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits will be allowed access to enroll in a Master's Degree, although in no case will the student be able to obtain the Master's degree if the student has not previously obtained a Bachelor's degree.

7.2. Enrollment limits for students who have obtained the necessary credits to obtain the degree.

Students in official Undergraduate Courses who, once they have obtained the necessary credits to obtain the corresponding degree, want to take more optional credits in the same course, may enroll from the end of their studies, as long as they have paid the rights to issue the title.

In the case of Bachelor's degrees that have defined curricular itineraries, the passing of which allows them to obtain mentions, the center will define, considering the approved study plans, the academic conditions that will allow students to obtain a second mention, or more.

In the event that a student exceeds the credits required to obtain a mention, and wishes it to be included in the degree, the student must apply and pay for a duplicate of the degree stating the corresponding mention.

Pursuant to the provisions of article 5 of RD 1002/2010, of the 5th of August, on the issuance of official university degrees, one of the mentions will appear on the obverse of the new degree and the rest will appear on the reverse of the title. In the event that there is already a mention on the obverse of the previous title, those obtained once this title has been requested will appear on the reverse of the new title.


In order to withdraw from the Center, students must arrange an appointment with Academic Coordination and let them know the reasons for withdrawal. After meeting with Academic Coordination, the student must fill in the withdrawal form at the Registrar's Office. The billing will stop after the student has signed the withdrawal form. Students who fail to properly withdraw may be held liable for the charges on their account.

Students should know that:

  • in order to withdraw from the University, all payments must be current. If the student refuses to settle the outstanding debt, he/she will be considered as "unpaid" and won't be able to request any official documents or re-enroll in any studies offered by the Center until the debt is paid

  • students who request withdrawal before the UB taxes are charged, must make the payment at the Department of Student Administration in order to make the withdrawal official. Likewise, students who had requested the Ministry General and Mobility Grant must pay for the taxes that were conditioned to the awarding of the Grant

  • under no circumstances will the tuition fees already paid be refunded to the student. The enrollment fee will only be refunded to new students who have been granted a place in another Center by the re-assignment of the University Pre-registration as long as the student submits the official documents

  • students who opted for the single-payment option, will be refunded, by bank transfer, the amount equivalent to the tuition fee installments remaining after withdrawal

  • first year students who withdraw from the university for major health problems, may request the reservation of the place at the Registrar's Office in order to avoid doing the University Pre-registration again

  • if the students withdraw form University later than the 15th of the ongoing month, that month's installment will not be refunded.

At academic level, the student will be considered to have officially withdrawn from the course if he or she does not re-enroll the studies over the two following academic years. If a student withdraws from an undergraduate degree without having passed any credits, he or she must apply for a new spot via university pre-registration. However, if the student withdraws after having passed some credits, he or she must apply for re-admission in writing to Academic Coordination, who will decide under what conditions the student may continue their studies.

Last update June 19, 2024